How to choose between a diesel or gasoline car

When buying a vehicle, beyond the price and the model, the type of engine used becomes a fundamental aspect that will determine the maintenance costs and the type of fuel that we should throw. The options are two, but it is not always easy to decide, so in .com we give you some keys so you know how to choose between a diesel car or a gasoline .

Steps to follow:


An important advantage that cars with gasoline engines have over diesel cars is their price. They are more economical, so if you are a bit tight budget when buying your vehicle, the gasoline is the best alternative.


However, the reason why gasoline-powered cars are cheaper at the time of purchase is because the consumption is greater in terms of fuel. So if you are one of those who travel long distances with your car, the best alternative is to pay a little more for one with a diesel engine, because when refueling this type of vehicle consumes 15% to 20% less than of gas. The periodic savings offsets the investment of the purchase.


Some years ago the performance of gasoline cars was superior to that of diesel engines, however the automotive industry has worked hard to equalize the vehicles in this aspect, so today both offer similar benefits, so that aspects such as the speed or endurance are similar in both engines .


The bigger and heavier the car, the more fuel consumption it will have. If you are thinking of choosing a large car, a minivan or an SUV, the best alternative is a diesel engine, because the bigger the size, the higher the consumption. This choice will help you save good money every time you fill the deposit.


On the other hand, if the idea is to buy a small or medium car to travel in the city and only occasionally go on a trip, then you can choose a gasoline engine, because in that case the difference in fuel savings does not benefit you as directly as in the case of larger vehicles or those that must travel long distances daily.


Diesel engines take longer to warm up, which makes them ideal alternatives for very hot climates or for people traveling long distances. However if you live in an area with very intense winters or you use the car for short trips, the best thing is the gasoline engine because the heating system works more efficiently keeping the occupants warm during the winter.


An important aspect is the maintenance of the car. Despite the many advances so far the services of diesel cars are usually a little more expensive than gasoline cars, so you really have to think very well if it's worth it and if you really will travel a large mileage so that the investment in the purchase and maintenance ends up favoring your pocket.


However at the time of selling your car, the diesel is sold more than the gasoline, so you will get out faster from them.


If despite all these clarifications you still doubt and do not know how to choose between a diesel or petrol car, we invite you to consult a website that will help you calculate the profitability of the investment according to the approximate mileage you make per year. Visit and you will be able to know according to your annual tour and the costs of your current vehicle, which engine will be most beneficial to you.