How to choose the displacement of a motorcycle

When you go to buy a motorcycle, there are many factors that you must take into account. It is about personal variables, such as your size, your experience and your economic availability, up to other more objective ones, such as how you will use the vehicle. The displacement is one of these aspects that you have to value. In .com we give you a series of tips about how to choose the displacement of a motorcycle.

Steps to follow:


If you have no experience in two-wheeled vehicles, it is best to opt for a low displacement motorcycle . It is not advisable for a driver who is not accustomed to driving such an unstable vehicle to take a high-powered motorcycle that can reach very high speeds.


On the other hand, when choosing the displacement of the motorcycle you must also take into account the economic aspect. A higher displacement will always mean a higher fuel consumption and, therefore, a higher outlay each time you have to refuel at the gas station. In any case, it will always be good to take a look at this article in which we explain how to choose the cheapest gas station.


Motorcycles with the smallest displacement are, in general, easier to handle, so they are suitable for people who are not corpulent or who have little physical strength. The driver who is more powerful from the physical point of view, while, you can choose a higher displacement, provided you have enough experience.


If you are going to use the motorcycle to go by road as usual and to travel is another factor that you must take into account when choosing the displacement of the motorcycle . With the lower options you will be short to make long trips and you can not easily reach a minimum speed that allows you to move normally.


As a general rule, if you are going to use the bike exclusively to go around the city, a 125 cylinder capacity will suffice. You will get to move with agility and without having excessive consumption.


On the other hand, if you want to go by road often and with long journeys, you will have to choose a higher displacement. Of course, we assure you that it is not a good idea that your first contact with a motorcycle is with a high displacement.