How to care for a turbo engine

A turbo engine, most of the existing in the current fleet, if it receives the care it requires, has the same life expectancy as an atmospheric one. However, if we do not treat it properly, it will break down beforehand and, in addition, force us to make a considerable outlay. Bearing in mind that the key lies in the oil that irrigates the mechanical parts, in .com we explain how to take care of a turbo engine .

Steps to follow:


When we go to start the car, we must wait a minute before starting the march, with the objective that the oil reaches all the mechanical parts of our turbo engine before the machinery starts. Thus, we will avoid dry rubs. In the event that the car is out in the open and the weather is very cold, we must let three to five minutes pass before the car starts rolling.


In relation to this first indication, another care of the turbo engine is that we must start the car with the foot on the clutch so that we step on it thoroughly and without touching the accelerator. The objective is the same, that the oil reaches all corners of our turbo engine, so that it is lubricated, before it has to get to work.


Once underway, we should also try that the turbo engine does not work until it has warmed up enough, that is, after about twenty minutes on the road. Thus, until then, we must forget the accelerations. Anyway, for ecological reasons, in which you can delve into this article on Tips for efficient driving, we should always flee from abrupt driving.


And before leaving the car, when the gear stops, we must also leave the engine running for two minutes. The reason we find it, again, in oil. If we turn off the car as soon as we stop, the oil is carbonized and there are more remains in the different parts of our turbo engine . So, once again, give the oil time, this time to cool it down.