How to play mummy on Halloween

The Halloween mummy game is a fun game for young children, with whom you will have a great time with all your friends. In Halloween parties for children, it is important that you do activities so that children are distracted and spend the best time possible with all their friends. This game that we propose is very simple to do and economical. All you need are some rolls of paper and a lot of desire to play. Here we explain step by step how to play the game of wrapping the mummy.

You will need to:
  • Paper rolls
  • Enough space
Steps to follow:


In order to make the game of wrapping the mummy in the Halloween party, you have to get several rolls of toilet paper or else roll of wrapping paper and assemble a small circuit.


The circuit of this Halloween game, consists of 2 zones, the area to wrap children and the other will be the arrival area. If possible, play this game outdoors or in a rather large room.


You have to separate the children into teams of two, so that one will be the "wrapper" and the other the "mummy".


When all the children are placed in the first zone, count up to 3 to start the game. The "wrapping" child will cover the whole body of the "mummy", but leaving the eyes and mouth-nose uncovered.


Once you have finished all the paper roll, you will have to run to the finish line to win the game. Once the mummy game for Halloween is over, you change the children's roles. Now the one that was the "mummy" will be the "wrapper" and the other child will be the other way around.

  • If you have many children and you do not do well to make teams of two because they are many, you can have 2 or 3 children wrap a child or several children to wrap a couple of children, and thus make a mummy of Siamese.
  • We recommend that for the game of wrapping the mummy, use toilet paper, since it is cheaper and not as hard as the other.