How to choose pages for a wedding

The wedding pages play a very important role in our ceremony, which is that they announce the arrival of the bride to the altar, preceding her entrance, as well as bringing the rings and the arras and bringing them to the bride and groom when the time comes, also becoming protagonists of the celebration of our marriage. That's why it's so important to choose the right ones to carry out these tasks. Do you know where to start ?, in .com we explain how to choose the pages for a wedding .


Steps to follow:


The first thing you should know is that, traditionally, the age of the pages should be between three and eight years. It is not recommended that they be children under this age, as it is very likely that the child is easily distracted, tired or bored and fails to perform his mission within the ceremony.


The pages are chosen among the children who will attend your wedding, they can be relatives (nephews, cousins, etc) as well as children of your close friends or guests. That's why the first step is to make a list with the available options among all the small assistants, this is especially important when we do not have very clear who the possible pages could be.


The number of wedding pages will depend exclusively on the couple, however the most advisable is to have only two, which are usually a couple composed of a boy and girl of similar ages. Remember that the more children are in your courtship the greater the possibility of being distracted or played among them, dispersing the attention of the guests and the ceremony itself, so no more than four pages are recommended.


The small pages are the ones that most tenderness usually generate to the guests and the couple. But it is good to know that very young children are usually frightened when entering the church and realize that they are the center of attention of all eyes, which sometimes causes them to stand in the middle of the corridor or break to cry. If the pages they choose are between three and four years old, it is convenient that they are accompanied by their mother or someone they trust so that they feel more comfortable and safe.


Another important aspect when choosing the pages of a wedding is to consider the personality of the child. If the child is very shy or embarrassed, it is not recommended to assign him the task of page, since he is very likely to feel overwhelmed at the time of the ceremony. If possible, opt for extroverted pages that feel comfortable being the center of attention.


Once you have chosen the pages of your wedding, do not forget that it is very important that they are present in the trial so that they can practice and understand their function perfectly. This will allow them to feel more comfortable after the big day. And if you also wonder how they should dress, we invite you to consult our article how to dress the pages at a wedding.