How to choose the courtship of a wedding

Courtship is undoubtedly a fundamental part of any traditional wedding, and is that the people who are usually relatives and close friends of the couple, special people with whom the couple wants to share this important moment in their lives. But of course choosing its members is not always easy, it is a very important decision that we must take calmly. If you feel a little lost in this aspect, in .com we give you some suggestions so that you discover how to choose the courtship of a wedding without problems.

Steps to follow:


If you have not attended many weddings or are not very aware of the traditions in the ceremonies, it is normal that you wonder how many people the cortege is composed of and what function they occupy. That is why we will explain step by step each of these points.

The courtship is composed of the bridesmaids (maximum 8), they are usually accompanied by boys, who are also part of the procession and are family or friends of the couple. To these are added the pages, the children who participate in the ceremony and have a very special role.


As we have already said, courtship is chosen between family and friends of the couple, and although it is not compulsory, it is a tradition that many couples like to respect, as it is a good way to make the closest and most contemporary people with the couple also feel part of that special day.


To choose the bridesmaids of courtship it is advisable to take into account these suggestions:

  • Contemporary girls with the girlfriend and who have a close relationship with her or both: cousins, best friends, long-time friends, etc.
  • Preferably single, or at least that indicates the tradition
  • There should be no more than 8 bridesmaids


If they decide that the bridesmaids are accompanied, then the courtship boys must meet the same conditions as them. Normally the bride and groom share the choice of courtship: the bride chooses the bridesmaids and the groom to the companions, a good way to include relatives and close friends of both.


It is also important to also select the pages or children of the courtship. In our article how to choose the pages of a wedding we give you the keys to do it successfully. And if, once you have clear who will be the bridesmaids of courtship, you wonder what is the best color for their dresses, you can find all the information about it in our article how to choose the color of the courtship.