How to decorate with plants at Christmas

The plants are ideal to decorate any room in your home, interior or exterior, and Christmas is the time when most houses are decorated. So, why do not we decorate our house with plants at Christmas ? We just have to combine different Christmas plants, we can even add ribbons, play with their colors and shapes ... To make the task easier, in this article, we explain how to decorate with plants at Christmas.


Known as Poinsettia, Flor de Pascua or even Christmas flower is one of the most traditional plants of the Christmas season, coming from Mexico. Its intense red and green colors will fill any corner of our house with life and, therefore, it will be ideal to decorate our house at Christmas. It is important to know how to choose a Christmas plant, as well as discover what care the Christmas plants require.


This shrub that grows as a parasite of trees is another of the typical plants of Christmas. It is characterized by its whitish berries and by the fact that it serves as a decoration especially for doors, since tradition marks that those couples who kiss under the mistletoe will have luck and prosperity. So you can not forget the mistletoe as a plant to decorate your house at Christmas.

Christmas cactus

Although it is not known in all countries, as its name suggests, the Christmas cactus is another plant that we can use to decorate at Christmas with plants . Its characteristic red color - so abundant in the Christmas holiday - will allow us to combine it with other flowers and plants with more muted colors. In addition, it is a plant that does not require too much care, so we can devote more time to other tasks of the Christmas season, always so busy.


It is a tree with perennial leaves, bright and with thorny edges, which - like the mistletoe - stands out for its berry fruit is red . In some areas of the planet, holly is in danger of extinction, so we must inform ourselves before going to the forest to look for holly to decorate our house at Christmas.

Other plants

So far we have seen typical Christmas plants and flowers, characterized mainly by combining green leaves with red flowers, a perfect combination for this holiday. But when it comes to decorating our house with plants, we can use other plants to combine them and achieve more spectacular results. For example, it will be perfect to use white flowers to highlight the reds, as is the case of jasmine or even white roses, which you can plant yourself at home following these tips on how to care for a rose bush.

  • You can add ribbons and ribbons to the pots of your plants to get more spectacular results.