Meaning of the bear as a power animal

Are you thinking of tattooing your body with the image of an animal that gives you strength? Do you want to decorate your bedroom or one of the rooms in your house with a figure or a picture of an animal with symbolism of power? You can choose between several species but, without any doubt, one of the animals whose main characteristic within the symbolism stands out for being the power, is the bear.

Has the image of this animal always conveyed a special feeling? Have you felt identified with him and want him to be present in your day to day? Before we recommend you to discover its complete symbology and the meanings that this figure can hold. In we explain the meaning of the bear as an animal of power .

Mythology and psychological meaning of the bear

There are an infinity of cultures, both Western and Eastern, that highlight the bear as an animal associated with the concept of power.

The bear as a power animal in Europe

In Europe, in the most ancient cultures, such as Greece or Rome, the figure of the bear appears in mythology. On multiple occasions appears to accompany Artemis, the goddess of hunting. Within Europe, but in the cultures of the North, like the Scandinavians or the Vikings, the bear appeared on many occasions. Sometimes he represented the god Odin and at other times it was the god Thor who used this figure to show himself to mortals.

In fact, in these original cultures of Northern Europe it was very common, in the moments in which it was entered into battle with other tribes or peoples, that the warriors were covered with the fur of the skin of the bear and even with masks that symbolized to this animal, since they believed that they frightened the enemy like this and also gained qualities of the bear, such as strength or strength. On the other hand, the Celtic people also included in this symbolism this animal, associating it with the figure of the warrior and the Moon.

The bear as a spiritual animal in America

But in America the bear has also been a protagonist, mainly among the Indians or Native Americans. The figure of the bear was so important to them that the shaman, the sage and healer of the tribe, wore a mask made with the skull of this animal. They also used their fur to protect themselves from the cold and their claws as tools and utensils.

And, all this ... why is it? Perhaps the concept of animal or spiritual animal totem sounds to you, sister expressions of which we spoke in this article: "power animal". If you do not know what an animal totem is, then we'll tell you.

What is an animal or animal totem of power

Animal of power, animal totem or spiritual animal come to refer to the same thing: to an animal as a spiritual guide . It is said that everything we learn as we evolve, be of the kind that we are, is trapped in the form of energy in the cosmos. In the same way, due to our conditions as a species and what we will have to face, it is said that each species learns something that makes them unique.

The shamans believed strongly in this theory and could even invoke the energy of the animals, depending on the qualities they needed to heal or to guess the future.

However, regardless of this special "supernatural power" of the shamans, they also believed that each person is born with a protective animal guide, that is, the energy of a spiritual animal that accompanies us throughout our existence and guides us, depending on our mission in life.

Also, according to shamanism, other spiritual animals can come to us throughout our journey, even if it is not our animal totem of birth. In this way, we can get to have several animals of power at the same time . And the bear, on the other hand, is one of the most attractive.

The medicine of the bear

The "medicine" of an animal of power is everything that this guide gives you if it is your totem. In the case of the bear, this is what it teaches us:

Strength, strength and courage

Something common in all cultures, not only the ancient ones, but also those that exist today, is the association of the image of the bear with strength and strength. This animal is characterized by transmitting respect and even fear, because due to both its size and its ability to fight, it transmits an unbreakable strength and a capacity for strength and survival beyond normal, even in those situations, as many times, in which he finds himself alone and has to fight for himself to get his food and survive.

To this is added the courage necessary to face the above described. Therefore, this animal helps us to know our part that should awaken when we have to face difficult situations to overcome, so that it gives us enough strength to solve them satisfactorily.

Reflection and change

Another quality that sometimes escapes us when we think of this animal is reflection. The bear is associated with this quality because it spends all winter hibernating, which reflects a period that can be used to look inside ourselves and discover what we need and what we want in our life to be happy.

Thus we get to know ourselves better and, moreover, we 'wake up' with the arrival of change, to face new times with a new mentality.

Solidarity and leadership

Another concept to which the bear is associated is that of solidarity, especially referring to the needy, to the weakest who can not defend themselves against certain types of threats.

The bear, who is also a leader, so it also symbolizes the leadership ability, protects those who need it, thanks to the strength and courage that represents their figure of power.

Now that you know the meaning of the bear as a power animal, you may also be interested in this other article about what is the meaning of bear tattoos.