What is karma

Due to globalization, more and more people say they believe in karma . This Sanskrit word comes from the beliefs of Buddhism, Hinduism, Yainism and Ayyavazhi. Its etymological meaning is "action", however the word itself contains an immense philosophical theory that defends human freedom.

If you have always wanted to know what karma is in .com, we introduce you to the topic so you can discover the deep meaning of this oriental doctrine.

Basic definition of karma

To know what karma is, the first thing you must understand is that it is not something physical or palpable, on the contrary: it is considered as a cosmic law of cause and effect. That is, each act committed by a person carries a concrete consequence.

Therefore, karma comes to say that if you commit negative acts he will see to it that you have negative consequences during the course of your life; and if you commit positive acts, you will gather positive experiences.

If we apply this conception in people's lives we realize that karma defends that the human being is responsible for their own actions, therefore, we are the ones who must choose to do good or do evil and, depending on At our decision, we will have some consequences or others.

In the definition of what karma is there is no room for injustice since it does not exist: it is the man himself who decides with his actions what his life will be like. Unlike cultures such as Christian, Jewish or Muslim, in the theory of karma there is no higher being to judge your conduct since justice is in your own hands.

The types of karma

The definition of karma is based on the actions that human beings make; however, these actions are not always material or physical actions. Any action committed by a person, whether physical or not, has its consequence according to the definition of what karma is .

There are 3 types of actions that influence karma:

  • Physical actions: are those actions that you commit physically, for example, steal, assault someone, etc.
  • Verbal actions: are those actions that you say verbally, for example insulting or cursing someone
  • Mental actions: karma also takes our thoughts into consideration, as they are part of our individual

What you can do to balance your karma

According to Eastern philosophies such as Buddhist or Hindu, human beings can perform a series of actions during our lives that will help balance the karmic energy and get, thus, that we collect positive effects.

A very visual example that serves to understand what karma is is to imagine a field in which we sow seeds; If the seeds are good, we will pick a good harvest, if they are bad, we will pick a bad harvest.

To fill our field with good seeds we can carry out these actions:

  • Make each negative act, a positive one: if you had a bad day and, for example, you shouted to a family member, the next day give him some flowers and apologize
  • Learning to forgive: everyone can make mistakes and have a bad day; to pretend that others forgive you, the first thing you should do is learn to forgive others
  • Do spiritual relaxation exercises that promote your positive energy. The exercises that are recommended are meditations or yoga exercises