Why we get sad when it rains

Do not you like gray days? There is a strong emotional connection between the climate and our mood and, in addition to being a psychological factor, it is also physiological since the sun's rays provide us with vitamin D, essential nutrient to get in a good mood and secrete the hormone that is known as "serotonin" or, commonly, "the hormone of happiness". In this article we are going to tell you why we get sad when it rains so you know what relationship exists between climate and our well-being. Continue reading and understand better the functioning of the human being.

Lack of sunlight (or vitamin D)

If you want to know why we get sad when it rains we have to understand that there is a strong relationship between our mood and sunlight. UVA rays activate brain activity and, therefore, when it is absent, it is normal for people to feel less energized, with little desire to go out, be more tired, and so on.

But why does this happen? Basically because sunlight gives us vitamin D, a nutrient that promotes the release of a brain substance known as " serotonin ", a neurotransmitter that regulates our mood and produces a sense of pleasure and well-being. It is known as "the hormone of happiness" and the reason is because, when we released it, we feel comfortable with ourselves, satisfied and in a good mood. This hormone is also released in other situations of our life, such as when we have an orgasm, when we eat a food that we like a lot or when we play sports.

The sun's rays are another factor that makes us feel good, happy and calm as they stimulate the production of serotonin. This is the main reason why we get sad when it rains: the lack of sunlight causes us not to release serotonin and, therefore, we feel more decayed and with less energy, something that can lead to a feeling of sadness or depression .

Also, we must not forget that when we are in the dark, our body secretes melatonin, the hormone that helps us sleep and rest deeply. For this reason, when it rains or the day is gray, it is usual for us to sleep until later or to go for a little while during the day. The lack of sun and the presence of darkness cause this situation.

In this other article we discover the benefits of the Sun for health .

Question of attitude

But being sad when it rains not only depends on the light of the Sun but, above all, depends on your attitude and your willingness to be happy. That is, although it is true that there is a relationship between the Sun and our state of mind, it is not enough reason to feel depressed or extremely sad. The absence of light, as we said, can make us more tired, with little desire to leave and without too much energy but whether or not you are sad depends on your will.

It is important that, even if it is raining outside, we try to do something that we like at home and, thus, we will make the most of a gray day and we will get the best out of it. That is, instead of staying all day watching "the silly box" why not try to do something you like or learn something new? For example, you can take advantage of being home all day to prepare a good meal, read, do some yoga or meditation, and so on. Take advantage of the rainy days to connect with yourself and, then, you will see that the lack of sunshine does not affect you as much either.

There are people who are sad when it rains but others who do not and the reason is in the attitude you have to face that day.

Other factors that can make you sad

In any case you should know that there are other factors that can make you sad and that is important to consider. For example, if you are a woman and you are with the hormones revolutionized by the menstrual cycle or by menopause, it is likely that the gray days make you sadder than the rest. The reason is not that it is raining outside but that your hormones are unbalanced and, therefore, a fact like the rain can alter your mood even more.

It may also be that you are sad because you lead a very stressful life and do not have time for yourself. People who live without taking into account tend to live with powerful depressions because they live in an external way, doing a thousand things but not being with themselves. It is important that, at least, you dedicate yourself one day a week for yourself: turn off the TV and be with yourself. Reading, listening to music, writing, meditating or doing any craft can make you exploit that creative part that we all have inside and that for the frenzy of life ends up abandoned. In we tell you how to live without stress so that you begin to live with awareness of the here and now.

Another factor that can make you sad is that you do not have a balanced and nutritious diet. There is an affirmation that is very accurate and that "We are what we eat", for this reason, it is important to give the body the nutrients it needs so that everything inside us works properly. There are foods that raise serotonin, such as carbohydrates, eggs or dairy products, so start incorporating them into your diet and you will get more energy and optimism.

In you we discovered 8 keys to be happy that you can start incorporating into your life from today.