Origin of the word Europe

When man expanded the territory he inhabited and discovered new regions, he needed to give them a name . Sometimes it designated them with some geographic characteristic or with the one of its settlers, and thus the denominations of continents or countries were born that lasted until today. In this article we will explain where the word Europe comes from, what is its origin and why it is called like that.

The EuroAsia peninsula

Europe forms with Asia what is called EuroAsia, there is no marked separation between the two portions of the immense continent and some geographers consider it as a vast peninsula located in western Asia.

The origin of the word Europe

For the ancient Assyrians and other Semitic peoples who inhabited Asian Mesopotamia, that region was the twilight, or Ereb, where the sun was setting. Europe comes, then, from Ereb .

Greek mythology

The word Europe may have a mythological origin. Europe was the daughter of Phoenix to which the god Zeus, with the appearance of a bull, abducted her, taking her to the island of Crete.