Inocentadas to do by phone

The Day of the Holy Innocents, celebrated on December 28, is one of the most typical festivities of Christmas. This day you have to be with your eyes wide open since we are all exposed to make us a joke. There are many jokes that you can do or can do this day. In this article, we explain some innocents to do over the phone .

The lottery prize

Call your victim telling him that he has won a prize in the national lottery. To make it more credible do not tell a very high amount of money. Choose your victim well, be someone who plays the lottery enough.

Phone company

Call your victim telling him that in 24 hours he will be without a telephone line due to his non-payment. Make sure first what company your victim has to make it credible. Surely, it will leave you a moment on the phone while looking for your bills to check that you have paid them all.

A familiar

Call your victim by saying: Hello uncle / aunt or hello cousin / cousin posing as a relative that he or she will not know. Tell him how is it that he does not recognize you and surely your victim will tell you a name to see if he is correct. You affirm that you are the person your victim believes you are and try to follow the joke until you can.

  • Remember to extend the jokes to the fullest and when you no longer know what to say more, explain it to your victim.
  • It is very likely that they hang your phone if you do not do it right. If this happens, call your victim again and explain that it was all a joke.