Which are the countries with the best medicine in the world - know them here

Surely you have ever had any pathology, injury or illness and you had to go to the doctor to treat you. However, the availability of health care is totally different depending on the country where you are, reaching cases where patients can not even afford to go to a health center or hospital for the treatment of serious diseases. This leads us to ask ourselves, what are the countries with the best medicine in the world?

To measure the level of medical quality in a country, it is necessary to take into account other indicators such as life expectancy, the balance between public and private services and the price of medicines, among other factors. Taking into account these factors, in the following article we have prepared a classification in ascending order of the countries that have the best medicine in the world. Keep reading!

Sweden, a country with excellent services in medicine

The first country that we will include in this ranking is one of the most advanced countries in Europe, Sweden . In addition to being one of the regions with less pollution in the world, this cold place also has an excellent health service for its low costs in treatments and medicines. 97% of health expenses are covered by the country's system, with citizens paying the remaining 3%.

The only treatments that the State does not finance its citizens are stomatology services. However, we found that other services, such as dental services, are free for children under 19 years of age.


Switzerland is included in the countries with the best healthcare worldwide by one of the meters that reveal that their medicine is excellent: life expectancy .

In 2012, a report was made revealing that the people who inhabit this place can live up to 83 years with a good quality of life . One of the reasons why we find these rates so high is because, as in Sweden, the country covers practically almost all the medical services of its citizens.

South Korea

For several years, this Asian country has changed its health system for a unified health system, that is, each of its inhabitants, without any exception, obtain fair and equitable healthcare. In addition, South Korea is increasingly taking more measures to combat one of the main causes of the development of diseases of its citizens, environmental pollution.


We include in the classification of countries with the best medicine in the world to Australia for two reasons. The first is their life expectancy, where the latest demographic data obtained in 2015 reveal that Australian citizens can live an average of 82 years.

And the second reason is that it is also a region where approximately 75% of the medical expenses of the inhabitants are covered, where they have to pay for other services such as ambulances and care in other medical departments such as stomatology and optometry.


According to the latest OECD study published in 2012, Spanish healthcare is one of the best in the world due to its efficiency and quality, which highlights the high training of doctors and other health workers. In addition, as in countries like Sweden, Spain maintains a catalog of medicines and other treatments that are publicly funded without any co-payment in healthcare.

Finally, Spanish medicine is considered one of the best in the world due to its medical advances, where we find the most pioneering transplants, techniques to recover vision, top quality oncology and even research where they are developing an effective vaccine for lethal diseases like malaria.


Germany is also leading this ranking because the level of its healthcare assistants, such as doctors and nurses, is among the highest in the world, demonstrating high training and quality. In addition, although in this country we find that many services are not covered by the State, hospitals are signing more and more contracts with medical insurance companies.


The second place in this classification is for Japan, since it has a very efficient health system based on what we call universal health insurance . In addition, the inhabitants of the country who find a job can also enjoy private health insurance, so we could say that practically all citizens have them, since their unemployment rate oscillates by 3.4%, one of the lowest in the world.

Finally, we find that those people who do not have a home or whose income is too low, are exempt from paying for healthcare, being covered by government subsidies.

China, in the number one of medicine

Finally, the first place in the countries with the best medicine in the world is for the People's Republic of China, thanks to the medicine that exists in Hong Kong . We place this Asian region as a medical leader for its excellent efficacy and quality in both public and private health services.

In addition, Hong Kong has one of the highest rates of life expectancy in the world that oscillates in an average of 84 years and, also, with one of the lowest rates of infant mortality where we find that only 2 children of each 1, 000 births die per year.