What is the difference between where, where and where

On many occasions, in the written language, we doubt the use of such forms (where, where and where). If we learn their training, it will be easy to differentiate their uses, functions and meanings . For this, we must take into account the semantic, phonological and grammatical implications between them. From .com we tell you what is the difference between where, where and where.

Steps to follow:


Where is a relative adverb of place, formed by the fusion of the preposition a and the adverb where . It always has an unstressed character. It should only be used when its antecedent, which can be a noun or a verb, is explicit .

Ex: That is the house where we will move.


As preposition (where) or prepositional phrase ( where ) is used, in the colloquial language, with the sense of 'next to' or 'home of'. With this same sense can also be used where.

Ex: He has gone to his grandmother.


It can also be written in two words: where. Although until now it has been recommended a specialized use of both spelling: "where" -with or without an express background- and " where" -without an express background-, this recommendation has not curdled in use and today it is accepted as correct employment indistinct of both form.


Where is a locative adverb with interrogative character whose function is to introduce interrogative and exclamatory sentences both direct and partial and indirect. Point out direction and movement through the preposition.

Ex: Where are you going?

  • Consult the Panhispánico Dictionary of doubts, it will help you to solve your doubts about it.
  • Check any spelling or grammar manual.