What is the longest river in the world

Do you have any idea which is the longest river in the world ? The certain thing is that this question can generate certain controversy, since the answer provokes the debate about the length of two rivers . In this article we want to explain it in detail and we invite you to read it in this article about which is the longest river in the world.

Steps to follow:


First of all, it should be noted that the answer to which is the longest river in the world can generate some controversy . And until a few years ago, the Nile River was considered the longest with a total length of 6, 650 km, but in 2007 an expedition of scientists decreed that the Amazon was longer.


This expedition to Peru investigated and concluded that the birth of the Amazon is located in a point south of Peru and not in the north, as had been believed so far. In this way, the Amazon can now be considered the longest river in the world, with a total length of 6, 800 km. And this river is born in Peru, crosses Colombia and flows into Brazil, in the Atlantic Ocean.


Likewise, the Amazon has always been considered as the largest river in the world with a basin of 7'05 million square kilometers and more than 1, 000 tributaries that flow into the Amazon.


The serpentine course of the Amazon through the jungle of the same name, as well as the richness of its flora and fauna are noteworthy. For example, there are more than 3, 000 species of fish that live in its channel.