How to write excellent or excellent

Something basic in the learning of a language is to learn to write without spelling errors, but it is something that can sometimes be confusing. However, if we pay a little attention to every word we write, this really becomes much simpler than we might have thought. In the case of Spanish or Spanish, there are many possible doubts and mistakes in terms of spelling. For example, one of the most common doubts is the use of the letters x and c, when should one or the other be used? Or, when are they written together?

This is the case of those who ask themselves " how do you write excellent or excellent ?", Because it is one of the most frequent doubts about these letters. Therefore, below in this article we will explain the details to choose the correct option.

Meaning of the word excellent according to the RAE

To know if a word in Spanish or Spanish exists or is correct, as well as to know its synonyms, its gender, its definition and much more, it is best to go to the RAE. Thus, if we look for the word "excellent", written with x and c, in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) we will see that this word exists and written thus is correct .

Specifically, in this dictionary we can see that it is a word that comes from the Latin excellens and its plural is "excellent", because when you end in a vowel you only have to add the final s. It is an adjective and, according to the RAE, the meaning of the word "excellent" is something that stands out for its optimal qualities or characteristics or treatment of dignity. Likewise, it is also a masculine noun, since it is a gold coin that was coined by the Catholic Monarchs and was equivalent to doubling it.

Some of the most used synonyms for "excellent" are:

  • Outstanding
  • Very good
  • Cool
  • Macanudo
  • Insuperable
  • Wonderful
  • Great
  • Magnificent
  • Sublime
  • Formidable
  • Optimum
  • Exceptional
  • Splendid

Examples of the correct use of the word "excellent":

  • I think that Sara's idea to celebrate the party in the park is excellent, I do not think there is a better one.
  • Óscar got an excellent note in the last exam of the university.
  • Today there is a medical treatment with excellent laser for myopia.
  • Today makes an excellent day to go for a walk and do some exercise.
  • The flavor of this dessert is excellent, what does it take?
  • Laura always gets excellent grades, she is an outstanding student.

* Excellent

To know if this other way of writing this word, that is, without the letter c after the x, we must also address the DRAE or Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy. We will see then that this word without c is not included in this and, therefore, * excellent is an incorrect word . It is for this reason that we must forget and eliminate it from our vocabulary.

* Excellent

Another way that many people tend to doubt is * escelente, that is, instead of writing an x use an s, since in some Spanish-speaking countries these two letters are pronounced the same or very similar. Again, if we go to the dictionary of the RAE or its website, we can verify that this word written with s does not exist . Therefore, this way of writing this word we must forget it and remove it from our vocabulary of the Spanish language.

How to write excellent in other languages

After having read the above, now you know what is the correct way to write the word "excellent", that is, using the x and then the c. Therefore, we also explain how to write excellent in other languages, so that in this way you can expand your vocabulary a bit more to travel, for your studies, work or other aspects of your life:

  • Catalan: excel·lent
  • Gallego: excellent
  • Esukera: bikaina
  • Italian: eccellente
  • English: excellent
  • French: excellent
  • Portuguese: excellent
  • German: ausgezeichnet or vortrefflich

Other common doubts when writing

It is common to have many doubts about a language, either one's own or one that is being studied. Therefore, in we offer you solutions to more frequent questions about how to write some words without spelling mistakes :

  • How do you write wish or deceo
  • How do you write going or going?
  • How to write from or from
  • How to spell true or sierto