How do we write or were we

Having a good spelling is very important to communicate properly, and is that certain errors can complicate even the understanding of what we want to say. And one of the most frequent mistakes in writing is to confuse the b with the v in certain words, for example we were or we were, vote and throw or tube and had. Do not know if you write or we were ?, In .com we explain it to you.

We were

We were always written with B because it is a verb of the first conjugation, the verb estar, which is finished in ar . According to this, the grammar rule indicates that the copretérito of the verbs ending in ar should always be with b: we were, we sang, we danced. Examples:

" We were all together at the family dinner last night"

"I thought we would arrive, but we were too far from the goal"

* Let's be

Taking into account the previous explanation, writing * estavamos is considered a grammatical error, as well as being a word that does not exist in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy.