How do you write elaborate or elaborate?

Confusing B and V is a very common error in Spanish, since both are currently pronounced the same. Therefore, it is essential to learn with which consonant each word is written in order not to make spelling mistakes. As it happens with lowering or vajar or between was or estubo are many the verbal forms that make us doubt at the time of writing. Therefore, in this article we explain specifically how to write elaborate or elaborate.

to elaborate

If we look in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) the word "elaborate", we will find it together with its meaning. In this way, we can say that the correct way to write this verb is to "elaborate" with B and, therefore, all the conjugated forms will also be written with this consonant.


  • It is difficult to make wines of the same quality as ours.
  • As a task for tomorrow, we have to elaborate a compendium of sayings.
  • The garments have been made with merino sheep wool.

* draw

On the other hand, "* elavorar" is a term that does not appear in the dictionary and, therefore, does not exist. It is a misspelling and we should never write then "* elavorar" with V because it is incorrect.