How to pronounce "cartucheras" in English

Sometimes there are expressions or words from Spanish that we find difficult to identify with others of English, and more if they are of the colloquial or non-academic jargon . Often, these doubts are solved with dictionaries, either in paper or on-line. Then we show you a good place to find answers to these questions, which will help you to have centralized different resources of this type: synonyms, antonyms, definitions, translations, etc.

Steps to follow:


Cartridge cases in English is written Saddlebags but ... how we have known. Very easy. First, make sure that you have the word you are interested in translated well written, and that it is a word that is used beyond your context, so that it is not something particular to a community.


Go to the WordReference website.


Once in it, you will see that you have a blank bar where you can write a word or expression . Write your doubt in it.


Then select, with the tab next to it, what dictionary you need . In this case, we would choose Spanish - English . Click on Search or press Enter.


For the word "cartucheras" we will obtain the following result. Notice that in the third discussion forum for this word is specified "cellulite", which is what we want to know. If you do not find the result of your doubt in those offered, look here for solutions proposed by people, usually people who speak that language.


If you click on the commented forum, you will see that a small debate has been created about the translation, but that the most supported is "saddlebags". Find it later on Google to see if it produces the definitions you had in mind.