How to know if I have to divorce

We chose the person we love, we decided to build a future project with them, we shared moments and decided to get married. But one day you realize that the relationship is not the same, the discussions are continuous, there is no communication or you just do not feel love for that person anymore. There is no single reason for divorce, but it is a combination of several things. Currently, the number of divorces is increasing and many times, it is the only solution not to end up in conflict with who was your partner, and with whom you lived so many things. If you have children, you must be clear that they perceive everything that happens in the family, do not force a relationship that does not work for your children, because far from protecting them, you make them live the conflict. Here we will give you some recommendations to know if you have to divorce .

Steps to follow:


Search for solutions. Before making any decision, be sure to look for all possible ways to improve the situation. Communication is one of the bases of every relationship. If you have not already done so, talk to your partner about what is happening and try to fix the problems, proposing changes and adopting a new attitude; You can also check our article about how to solve problems in marriage . If you have already gone through this stage and the situation has not changed, begin to evaluate the divorce option.


The feeling changed. If you feel that there is no longer any love in the couple, the most healthy solution is separation. One can try to save a relationship when the problems are of another kind, but when the love is gone, you have to let go and move on.


Destructive discussions If the arguments are recurrent, and during the same there is a lack of continuous respect, inflexibility on the part of both, inability to put themselves in the place of the other, there is something that is not working. If you have talked about the subject and yet, the treatment during the discussions remains the same, you have to think about moving away from that situation. The lack of respect leads nowhere else than to separation.


Lack of creativity. Many times, the daily routine leads to the abandonment of oneself and the care of the couple. It is important that the couple is creative to feed the love they have. This is something that must be done every day, now if the routine has already invaded them and they do not feel the desire to change it or try new things, or have already tried it, the relationship is in crisis and it can be difficult to get out of it .


Incompatible characters Many times, it is difficult to cope with the character of the other person beyond the love they can feel. It may happen that their discussions are fundamentally about the reactions they have and not about the facts.


The impossibility of overcoming problems foreign to the couple . Many times the external problems of the couple are transferred to the relationship, such as labor problems. That is why, many times, there are annoyance due to situations outside the couple, if this manifests continuously can wear down the relationship.


Disrespect. If the relationship is characterized by constant aggression by one or both, by situations that generate a tense climate, you must act now. It can also happen that one of the two has committed infidelity or lied repeatedly about certain situations. All these situations are harmful and toxic. Many times the solution in these cases is divorce, it is necessary to promote a healthy environment and more if there are children in the family, since they should not forget that problems of a couple affect children.


Jealousy and isolation. If your husband or you are excessively jealous in the face of unjustified situations and transmit this feeling to the couple, they are also transmitting distrust. Confidence is built over time and irrational jealousy destroys it in a moment. It can also happen that you try to isolate yourself from your environment to have more control over you, in these cases you not only have to separate as soon as possible, but you must also seek help.


Your family also lives it. Do not avoid making the decision for your children, they are there every day and live the situation like you. Do not let them grow up in a tense climate, full of arguments, they will accept it over time. It is important to know how parents should act in front of their children during a divorce.

  • You can go to a couple therapy if you want to redirect the situation with your partner and make sure if the desired step is divorce.