How to introduce cereals in the baby's diet

Cereals are an essential element in the feeding of the baby, since they offer an important contribution of fibers, vitamins, minerals and nutrients of great value for their development, and help them to habituate to flavors and textures different from milk, which It will facilitate the adaptation of all other foods.

Steps to follow:


Cereals are usually introduced from 4-6 months, when the baby begins to need more nutrients than those provided by the milk. The first cereals to incorporate into the baby's diet are rice and corn, because they do not contain gluten. This is a protein component that can cause allergies and intolerances in children, and that is why experts advise its introduction between 4 and 7 months, when the digestive system can already assimilate it better. From that age you can already introduce other cereals such as wheat, barley, oats and rye.


To begin with it is advisable to add two or three teaspoons to the bottle of milk (maternal or formula) normally taken by the baby and then gradually increase the amount. The pediatrician should advise on the appropriate amount, according to the needs of each child.


Currently in the market there is a wide variety of children's cereals, with different flavors and composition. For a good choice, we must take into account that the cereals are balanced, that is, they provide the right amounts of each nutrient. It is important that they do not have added sugars, to accustom the baby to natural flavors and thus encourage healthy habits. This will help prevent risk factors linked to chronic diseases in adulthood such as obesity.


Most cereal porridge is usually enriched with calcium, iron and vitamins, which are essential nutrients for the baby to have optimal growth at this important stage of his life.


In addition, some cereals have bifidus effect, which stimulates the growth of beneficial bifidobacteria for the baby's intestine, helping to regulate their intestinal transit and also to a better absorption of calcium, iron, vitamins and other minerals.


For all its qualities the porridges are a fundamental element in the development of children and it is important that they are part of their diet.

  • Always consult with the pediatrician