How to make natural juices for babies

Your baby is getting older and it's time to start incorporating new foods into your diet. Between four and six months is when pediatricians advise to start giving them fruit. Of course, before it is essential that you consult with the specialist since not all children are the same.

One of the easiest and most appropriate ways to add fruit to your day to day is through juices. Thus, in we teach you how to make natural juices for babies and we offer you some tips that will surely be of great help.

Steps to follow:


First of all, in order to know how to make natural juices for babies, you must bear in mind that when you go to buy the fruit you must choose the most ripe pieces. They are more digestive and sweet, so your juice will like your baby more. In this article we inform you about how to start giving fruit to your baby.


You should also know that fruit juice is ideal for constipation, so if your child has problems of this type, it will feel great. It is also advisable that you know how to recognize which foods are strewn to avoid giving them to your child.


Pediatricians recommend an average of 3 pieces of fruit per day so you can mix flavors. One of the pieces of the juice would be a citrus fruit (like tangerine or orange), since they have a high vitamin C content and help to avoid colds.

In we inform you about foods rich in vitamin C so you know which ones are ideal for natural juices for babies.


In order to avoid possible allergies you should start to incorporate fruits into your diet one at a time . In this way you will know if there is one that does not suit your baby. If the first time you try it with a mixture of different types united in juice and some you feel bad, you will find it much more difficult to discover what it is.


The peach, melon, kiwi and strawberries are the fruits that give more allergies. So, try to avoid them when you make juices for your baby and leave them for when he is a little older.


When making juice for your baby, it is recommended that you do not add sugar because the fruit is already sweet enough and does not need more sweetness.


When you pass the fruit through the blender, make sure there are no lumps left. First, to prevent your little one from choking; in second, because if the juice is not sufficiently liquid, it will not go through the hole in the bottle.