How to make my son obey

Educating a child is not an easy task, nobody said it; But sometimes things get even more complicated, if the children do not obey their parents . The daily actions become a pitched battle and the parents do not know very well how to act to solve the continuous fights and disputes with the children. It will be fundamental to keep calm and take patience as the main ally, also we offer some advice on how to make my son obey.

What is good and what is wrong

If we want to get our son to obey, the first step will be to determine what is right and what is wrong, that is, to set limits . We can not let them do what they please, with total permissiveness and then demand that they do what we ask of them. Parents must determine what they should do and what is not allowed, so that they obey what is established.

Do not become a dictator

Even so, it will not be beneficial for your attitude to be more similar to that of a dictator than to that of a father or mother; no more rules than necessary should be imposed or expect the child to do everything we say. You should bear in mind that children are, exactly, children, and their attitude will be in accordance with their age. You can not and should not cancel the personality of the children or expect them to act as if they were adults.

Lack of coherence

The lack of coherence is another reason that can cause your child not to obey you. What does this mean? It means that our norms, impositions and arguments must be logical and coherent ; We must remain firm in our decisions and, above all, agree among the parents. For example, we can not let the mother make a decision and the father act in the opposite way, because the child will act as he is most interested and will be disobeying one of the two.

No need to scream

There is no reason who shouts the most, so that by shouting a lot you will not get your son to obey you. It will be necessary to make him understand why you are asking him to do one thing or stop doing another. For this, the most advisable thing is to put yourself at his height, to speak with a calm and pleasant tone of voice and, above all, not to lose the papers.

Learn to listen

On some occasions, especially with older children, we should listen to the opinion of our children and know the reason for their attitude. Maybe then you can find out why they do not obey your requests and even rebel. Do not show yourself distant and overly authoritarian, but flexible and willing to understand them.

Nor should you try to imitate their language and way of acting to approach them, wanting to pretend to be a friend of the same age. You should try to find a middle ground in which they do not see you as someone authoritarian and distant, but not as someone who acts like someone who is not really.

Give example

Also, to get your children to obey you, you must set an example and become a role model, since parents are the main reference for children. For example, at mealtime you will not get them to eat vegetables if you do not; so that it will be necessary to lead by example.

Regarding this last issue, in another of the articles you can find some tips and recommendations for children to eat all kinds of food, you just have to ask how to make my child eat everything.

Punishments with logic

In the event that it is necessary to punish them or retaliate for their bad attitude or behavior, you should always seek a logical punishment appropriate to the age and what happened . That is, if the deal was to watch television after doing homework and fail, we can leave them a whole day without TV but not a month. Also, the punishment for being late home can not be without dessert, because it is not consistent, but the next day must return sooner.

Thinking corner

When children are disobedient, it will also be a good idea to establish a "Thinking Corner", that is, a place in the house where you can send the child just to think about what happened . to talk about the conclusion they have reached, in this way, we will try to make them recognize their mistakes and not commit them again.

  • Do not lose your nerves, patience will be your best ally against disobedient children.
  • In the case of serious behavior problems, it is best to visit the psychologist.