How to make my son accept my partner

Due to different circumstances of life, we may have a new sentimental partner in life and that our children do not see it with good eyes. But, how to make my son accept my new partner? The process is delicate, but in .com we want to help you achieve it so that the relations between both can be improved and the situation naturalized. Keep reading and discover some keys to get it.

Steps to follow:


First of all, understand that it is normal and that you should not get angry with your child, since it is completely understandable that you miss your father or mother and see your new partner as an intruder. But little by little you must make this situation become something natural for everyone.


The most important thing is to make your son see that he is still the most important person in your life and that you will not change him for anything in the world. This will help make your child accept your new partner as it will diminish the feeling of threat.


It uses naturalness, intuition and communication to try to improve the possible situations of conflict.


Reorganize time effectively. For example, spend the entire afternoon with your child from work until you go to bed and, when you have fallen asleep, dedicate it to your partner. This way you will see that you do not take away your attention, but little by little you have to introduce joint activities.


The couple must have a secondary role and always be willing to collaborate. It is important to be patient at this point, because if the situation is forced, rejection will be generated.


The couple should be a role model for your child. Must see him as someone fun and interesting with whom to spend pleasant moments. It is good to accompany you to the activities you do, such as the football game on weekends, or to take you to places that your child may like, such as an amusement park or a zoo. Just do not force the situation and allow the approach to emerge smoothly.


Following these considerations you can make your child accept your partner allowing a better harmony in the home.