How to avoid jealousy between brothers

The brothers are an unquestionable support in our lives. However, it may be that this fraternal relationship is not always cordial. Jealousy among siblings is quite common, something that parents can avoid from a young age. For this, it is important to know how to avoid jealousy between brothers, we tell you in this article.

Steps to follow:


One of the main tasks of a father or mother with the arrival of a new child, is to try that the older son does not feel displaced . For this, they must involve the firstborn of this change at all times. Let's try to get our older children involved, get excited and see the pregnancy and arrival of a new member as something positive.


It is important that during pregnancy, older children feel loved and involved. For this, we can review pictures of when they were small, ask them when buying the new baby's clothes and even let them propose names.


Once the child is born, we will have to try to get our eldest son to continue with that implication. Although we believe that they are too small to perform certain tasks, it is good that we reward responsible attitudes towards young children. So, if you want to help feed her or even change her diaper, we can try to let her do simple things like throw the diaper in the trash or hold the bottle.


If we let these attitudes follow their course, in a short time we will see that the older brother sits down to read stories to the little one. That they play together and that jealousy is something totally foreign to him.


Something that parents must keep in mind to avoid jealousy between siblings are comparisons. We must avoid them first of all, because the certain thing is that these comparisons could suppose an increase in the rivalry of the brothers. So, we can not say things like "Why can not you be as loving as your brother?" Or "Your brother gets better grades than you, to see if you learn."


Sibling fights are normal and inevitable. For this reason, repressing them will not help. We must let them discuss, but trying to encourage dialogue as much as possible.


Let's try to avoid the typical phrase "I love you both equally". Generally, this type of response does not quench the children's thirst for affection, because they want to be the most important thing for the mother or father. Perhaps an answer of the type "is very difficult because you are very different and special for me" could be better seen.


Finally, with the arrival of a new sibling, we should try to ensure that the routines of our oldest son are not affected. There are already too many changes, so their schedules and customs that we had acquired before the arrival of the baby should remain intact. All this will help avoid jealousy between brothers in a very favorable way.