How to avoid getting angry with my parents

Discussions between parents and children are very common, especially during adolescence . Although sometimes there are reasons that trigger a discussion, many times the disputes are generated for superfluous reasons. That is why both parents and children must learn to control their nerves and try not to cause the discussion. In this article, we explain some tips on how to avoid getting angry with your parents.

Steps to follow:


It is necessary to keep in mind that some people get angry more easily than others and what one person may not care can generate great anger for another. In this way, we must take into account the personality of each one to try to avoid anger, as well as not doing anything that we know in advance that angers the other.


If it is your case and, to put it bluntly, you have a bad temper especially with your parents, you must learn to control your temper and not lose your temper when the situation exceeds you. It is also important to know how to avoid sibling fights.


Especially, it will be essential that you do not overflow or act excessively and showing anger, as some children and young people do. That is to say, you will not have to scream, throw or break things, hit, etc. if there is a reason that makes you angry.


You must learn to show your feelings and explain the reason for the anger to your parents, so they can understand you and, if necessary, modify their actions or reach an agreement with you. If they do not know why you got angry, they will continue to act in the same way and will make your acts or words bother you constantly.


When you get very angry, leave or retire for a moment, before exploding and start a tough argument with your parents. In this way, you can calm down, reflect on what has happened and prevent it from becoming a new war. Remember that "two do not fight if you do not want to".


Explain to your parents and siblings that, when you retire to your room, they should respect your space and leave you alone to reassure you and that the anger will not get worse.


Writing about how you feel and what has bothered you can be very helpful; It will be an ideal way to express your feelings and reflect on your anger. In case you do not like to write, you can also do it through a drawing,


To avoid getting angry with your parents, it will also be fundamental to rethink if we are doing something wrong or if it is necessary to change our way of acting. Once you have calmed down and the anger has passed, you will see the clearest things.

  • Keep calm and do not show yourself angry continuously.