How to write words of condolence

Writing words of condolence to someone who has gone through a loss is an effective and powerful way of comforting him during a difficult time. Although his words can not take away his pain, if he can cheer and support him. There are some ways to write words of condolence that will help make someone's grief process a little more bearable.

Steps to follow:


Let him know that you are there . When the person you care about goes through a loss, you may want a friend to talk to or a space to cry and try to accept the loss on your own. Either way, letting him know that you are there in case you want to talk, gives him a choice and helps him not to feel so alone. If the person chooses to talk to you, be sure to listen and wait until he or she is done to give your answer.


Remind him that it's okay to be sad . Explain that the grieving process is not only natural and expected, but is healthy and necessary for a full recovery. Encourage him to express his emotions and prevent him from smothering any feelings of pain or betrayal he may experience. Make sure you understand that sadness eventually leads to healing, and that crying helps relieve tension and get rid of negative emotions. Having feelings of despair can lead to bitterness or anger.


Tell him he wants it. This is a basic but vital way to encourage your friend during such a vulnerable time. Remind him that, although he has recently experienced a loss, you are there for him and care about his well-being, even in a period of darkness. His act of writing a letter proves, by itself, the depth of his love for him.


Encourage him by saying that he will get out of this. Although he has heard it before, he must hear it again from you, he will survive this difficult time and will live to be truly happy again.


Putting your loss in perspective will help you realize that this is not the end of the world. It is natural that your emotions are overwhelming, but time brings healing and restoration. Let him know that you see the bright days in his future, and that this moment of rupture is only a season that leads to happiness and new beginnings.

  • Be as honest as possible in writing the words of condolence.