How to teach English to a child with videos

We are increasingly aware of the importance of English in the education of children. Although so far we are a little lost of how we can help our child to learn English in a fun way and have good results. It is true that the first years of a child's life are ideal for him to develop bilingual skills in a much more efficient way than an adult. Which does not mean it's an easy job.

I currently find many mothers, so that the child learns another language, they put all the cartoons in English . It is something positive, since it stimulates the child's hearing, although it is a task that by itself does not usually have good results if it is not combined with other practices. Children are very good at ignoring what does not interest them. In many of the cases the child, even if he is looking at the drawings, does not pay any attention to English. In this article, we will look at some useful tips on how to learn English with children's videos.

Steps to follow:


Young children tend to pay little attention to videos and soon get tired. We must be with him to help him not lose attention. It is better to be only 3 minutes if you have taken advantage of that half an hour without paying attention.


Children learn by association . When they are less than 3 years old, they find it much easier to associate with parents than with the characters in the videos. So we must try to stage what is happening and what the characters are talking about in front of them, will get them to pay much more attention, to have a good time with them and to memorize English better . We do the same when we are listening to songs.


Children in their early stages feel great pleasure when they are able to recognize something they have already experienced or seen. It is the reason why children tend to be repetitive at one stage. We should not have a wide variety of videos, it is best to select 5 and use them for a while. Then we will switch to another selection in English of another 5 videos.


Children need routines. Therefore we must try that the sessions in English, must be organized and of course it must always be a game, never an obligation. Since at this age we must make the child understand that English is a game, not a subject.


When choosing videos, the ones the child chooses will have preference. The more you enjoy them, the easier it will be to learn. Also, if we can, we should look for videos with different accents, not just American or British English .


With these tips, if we then put the television in English, the child will feel much more comfortable and quickly improve their level.