How to teach children to behave at the table

Learning the right manners at the table is a task that parents must instill in children from an early age. However, this task can be tedious because there are many elements that distract the child's attention and lead him to disobey.

To avoid them, from .com we explain how to teach children to behave at the table correctly; in this way you will educate them from a young age and you will save more than one dislike in your leisure outings.

Teach hygiene standards

The habit of eating does not start with food in your mouth. On the contrary, you must convey to your child the need to comply with a series of guidelines related to personal hygiene.

Among them, washing hands before taking any food. Therefore, it is important that both at home and if you go outside go to the toilet before sitting at the table and wash and dry your hands, naturally.

In we give you some guidelines so that you know how to teach good manners to children.

Before sitting down

Once at the table, properly select the place where the child is going to sit . For this, it is important to be away from the television (if it is on and if it is in a public place) and as isolated as possible. Similarly, the use of mobile phones by you should be as restricted as possible.

Food is a habit that requires calmness and tranquility and must be transmitted to the child. Hence, his contact with television or other elements that distract a moment that is thinking for the conversation and communication between parents and children is avoided.

In the table

Before eating it is important that the child is seated properly . That is, that the distance from your chair to the table is correct, so that you have enough space to put food in your mouth but not so much that they can fall easily.

In the same way, it is important that the child learns soon to use the cutlery and that he is rewarded for it, as well as to put the napkin on his knees and not in the form of a bib, which will give him more security and make him feel higher.

In parallel, while learning to behave at the table, you should try to eat autonomously, so that you do not bend your head while eating, but rather the arm that drives the food and brings it to eye level.

Reward your behavior

It is important that you initiate this habit at home and that when the child does it correctly he will be rewarded for it. As long as it is small, verbal congratulations on your part will suffice, but as you age you should increase your gratification.

Thus, carrying out outings of the house to your favorite restaurants will be a way to motivate them and make sure that their behavior at the table is transferred to other areas.