How to apologize to a brother

Fraternal relationships are undoubtedly the most prolonged at the family level, because even after the death of parents, siblings continue to be brothers, and contemporaneity generally allows them to share much of life together. But sometimes coexistence or differences of thought create conflicts that lead to a fight or a misunderstanding, we have all experienced it once, and a good step to start reconciliation is to manifest your repentance through an apology. If after that discussion you have thought several times about taking that step, we give you some clues so you know how to apologize to a brother

After a discussion he reflects

Whenever you argue with someone you think you are absolutely right? Is it hard for you to admit that there are two culprits in a discussion? If you answer affirmatively, it is because you do not usually reflect deeply after a fight. It is important to do it and also put yourself in the position of your brother, try to understand their arguments even if we disagree with them, this will help us to calm down and understand that despite the differences there may be an intermediate point of encounter based on respect and mutual love

Offer a sincere apology

No matter why you want to say sorry, if it was after a fight, for an action you committed or for a position you assumed, in any case it is important to accept that at some point you made an error and feel, sincerely, that you are sorry for it. Otherwise the apology will only be an empty word and it seems or not the difference is noticeable

Create the right occasion to apologize

Find a good time to be alone to apologize, if they do not coincide so often invite him to a coffee, to a nice place, or if distance does not make it possible, call him on the phone. Avoid impersonal media such as emails, as you seek to manifest a feeling and sometimes the written words do not determine our tone so they are inappropriate for the occasion

Avoid phrases like these

Conditional phrases like "if I offended you I apologize", are over, it is clear that if you have felt the need to ask for forgiveness is because you know that someone was hurt, take it for granted and not as a conditional. Another thing that you should avoid is to say "I regret but I am not the only one to blame", you are there to offer your apologies not to blame your brother, each one must individually assume their mistakes, besides stay away from phrases like "you have always been so, "resorting to grudges from the past will not help solve the problem, quite the opposite

Apologize not fall back into controversy

Sometimes the occasion to say sorry becomes a battlefield, this happens because the attitude is not conciliatory but reproach, it is important to remember that we want to solve the problem does not aggravate it, so take care and choose your words well

Time to time

Sometimes your brother just wanted that apology to hug you and continue as usual, but at other times the wounds are deeper and you have to wait for them to close. Apologizing is an act of nobility but it does not imply that the other must necessarily forgive you, or that you do so when and as you wish, give him time to reflect on his own feelings as well.

If discussions are frequent, it is time to analyze

The rivalry is common among brothers, especially in childhood and adolescence, in many cases it disappears with maturity but at other times it remains silent and hidden throughout life and any small problem detonates it. If you think that this is the case of you, the time has come to thoroughly analyze the problem and the most important thing to solve it, living a life full of resentments is neither healthy nor recommended

  • Take your time to think about what happened and to clarify your feelings
  • Practice your apology, think of the words you want to use and resort to the sincerity of your emotions without hurting the other
  • Being your brother you know him always, you know a lot about him, so do not use this as a weapon since you can increase the nuisance, be cautious
  • Choose an appropriate time, do not do it impulsively in the middle of a meeting or in a space where both can not sit quietly to talk, the apology can take time and should be done with serenity
  • Do not use intermediaries, if you have to say something to your brother nobody better than you to do it