How to discover the meaning of a symbol

The symbols are used for many reasons : to indicate the membership of a band, group or secret society, to identify a company, or to show their religious or political affiliation. Symbols are also used in mathematical equations and sciences, road signs and languages. Due to its graphic nature, it is difficult to use search engines to identify a symbol and its meaning. Fortunately, there are many references available to help identify different symbols .

Steps to follow:


Print the symbol, take a picture of it or draw it to remember all its details. Use color in reproduction if possible.


Find the symbol with an online database of identification symbols. allows users to enter the symbol and see the characteristics and performances of the same symbols. Living Arts Originals allows users to see flowers, animals, color, nature and other common symbols, and gives information about the meaning of symbols. Whats-your-Sign allows users to browse through many Chinese characters, symbols of astrology and other ethnic and religious symbols.


Visit a tattoo shop. If the store is not too busy, you can ask one of the artists to help you identify the symbol. Many tattoo artists have a lot of reference material and experience with different types of symbols including foreign language characters, religious and occult symbols. If the artist can not identify the specific symbol, he is likely to recognize something about it, such as the country of origin, which will limit your search.


Get in touch with a university professor to get help if you have an idea of ​​what the symbol has to do with it.


If the symbol is in an equation, contact a math or science teacher. If the symbol has Asian or Middle Eastern characters, contact the appropriate language teacher. Send a courteous email with an attached image of the symbol.


You can also contact a university reference librarian who may be more successful in getting a response from the corresponding faculty member.