How to tell my children that I am gay

Talking about sexuality with children can be a difficult issue, especially for some people who may be more or less introverted. This is even more complicated when you want to explain to your child of your condition: homosexuality. When should you tell your children? You must do it? Society has made this much more difficult than it should be, so today there are even heterosexual marriages, one being gay. If you identify yourself, keep reading this article and find out how to tell your children that I am gay, without this being a problem.

The hardest part

Having a situation like this can be difficult. Psychologists advise two different versions: tell it or not. According to specialists, the positive side of telling your children the truth is that it allows you to build trust in the family, build relationships based on the truth, facing fears and risks in difficult times. Other psychologists believe that children simply do not need to have that information because they might even scandalize. So, if the two theories seem respectable and you have even analyzed them, you are on the right track, whatever the decision you make, it will have been carefully thought out and you will have very respectable motives.

Homoparental families have existed all of life; in them, the parents are made up of two men, two women or some transsexual as a member. This type of family dates from very remote years, so it was only the social part that left them in silence.

Many times men find it more difficult to face this situation, since they consider that a news item can be less expected when the father is gay. Also, children are expected less to discuss their parents' sexuality with others.

When the moment arrives

In some cases, the children do not suspect the father's sexuality until the moment when they have to talk about the situation: when the question arrives. If your child has suspected the situation and comments with you, it means that he has thought about it, so he is prepared for the truth. These moments are very valuable to keep in mind, they should not be missed because they represent the only opportunity parents could have to say it. Especially when the children are older or have reached adulthood, is when this situation may be the right time to discuss it.

How to tell my child that I am gay or lesbian

It is important to speak clearly and respond to possible questions your child may ask. The reactions may be negative, the children may be angry, this is part of the process, it is not decisive. An anger is a natural part of a process that may be difficult to understand, but it will be a natural consequence that will be appreciated later on.

Sometimes it is not necessary to go into more detail, if you are nervous or nervous, you should discuss everything from love, equality and tolerance to different tastes, to the choice of each person and respect for decisions. This is the beginning of a topic of tolerance, beliefs and other issues that are necessary for coexistence as a society.

If this article has helped you, you may also need to know How to tell your children that you have a new partner or How to tell your children to separate.

  • Consult with a specialist, with your friends and family.
  • Keep in mind what kind of education your child has and if this has been taboo.
  • Age can be a determining factor, in some cases it has been seen with naturalness from the beginning, in others it is faced after a heterosexual divorce.
  • Whatever your case, you know what's best for you, follow your intuition and pursue your happiness is important.