How to convert grams to milligrams

You may need to understand the conversion of units of the metric system . For example, knowing how to convert metric units - such as milligrams to grams - is useful in a series of basic math skills. The conversion is also useful in the kitchen for those who create their own recipes.

Steps to follow:


Determine the number of milligrams you need to convert . For example, suppose we want to determine grams in a cup of coffee that contains 200 milligrams of caffeine.


Divide the number of milligrams by 1000. In this case, you have to divide 200 by 1, 000. The number 1000 is used because one gram equals 1, 000 milligrams.


Find the ratio of your division. In this problem, the quotient is equal to 200 divided by 1, 000, which is 0.2. Therefore, 200 milligrams equals 0.2 grams.


If you want to do it directly on the web to not worry, you can do in this web of conversions.

  • Remember, dividing by 1, 000 is the same as moving the decimal point three places to the left.
  • Online converters can also be used to convert milligrams to grams.