How to convert mixed fractions to decimals

A mixed fraction is composed of a whole number plus a proper fraction . A proper fraction is a fraction in which the numerator (the upper number) is smaller than the denominator (the lower number). An example of a mixed fraction would be 2 and 3 / 4. You may have to convert fractions to decimals, so in we want to explain the steps necessary for you to learn how to convert mixed fractions to decimals.

Steps to follow:


To convert mixed fractions to decimals, it is necessary that you write the whole number of the mixed fraction. For example, if you have 2 and 4/5, it would be "2".


Next, divide the numerator of the proper fraction between the denominator. In this example, you have to divide 4 by 5 to get 0.8.


Finally, add your answer from step two to the whole number in step one. In this example, you should add 0.8 to 2 to get the decimal form of the fraction, which would be 2.8.


You can also see these other articles about:

  • How to convert fractions to decimals
  • How to convert decimals to fractions
  • How to solve mathematical problems of sum of fractions.