How to convert to nanometers

The nanometer is a very small unit of distance in the metric system. The unit used to be called millimicron, but the nanometer replaced the term in 1951. "Nano-" is the prefix indicator used to refer to 10 ^ -9 or 0.000000001. If you have a measurement in another unit, but you want to compare it with a nanometer length, you need to know how to convert those other units to nanometers using the appropriate conversion factors.

You will need to:
  • calculator
Steps to follow:


Multiply the number of meters by 1 billion to convert to nanometers. For example, if you have 2.99 meters, multiply 2.99 per billion to get 2, 990, 000, 000 nanometers.


Multiply the number of micrometers per 1, 000 to convert to nanometers. For example, if you have 4 micrometers, multiply 4 times 1, 000 to get 4, 000 nanometers.


Divide the number of angstroms by 10 to convert to nanometers. For example, if you have 5 angstroms, divide 5 by 10 to get 0.5 nanometers.


Multiply the number of inches by 25.4 million to convert to nanometers. For example, if you are 4.3 inches, multiply 4.3 by 25, 400, 000 to obtain 109, 220, 000 nanometers.


Multiply the number of feet by 304, 799, 990 to convert to nanometers. For example, if you have 1.3 meters, multiply 1.3 by 304.799.990 to obtain 396.239.987 nanometers.


If you want to do the exercise directly on the web, you can do it on this website.