How to concentrate better

Today we have so many distractions, tasks, activities and topics in the air that we have difficulty concentrating. To be more effective people in everything we do and, above all, enjoy every moment to the fullest, we have to be focused to be able to perceive every detail. Concentrating is knowing how to direct all the attention in a single subject and ignoring everything else. It's easy to say, but at the time of executing our activities, we often disperse with mobile phones, TV, random thoughts, among others.

know yourself

To improve concentration it is important that you first identify what are the things that distract you and those that help you focus. If, for example, it helps you to have a type of music, prepare a playlist that you do not have to modify to give to PLAY and do not have to revise it. Knowing yourself is the key to everything and understanding that not everything works in the same way.

Disconnect yourself

If you go to work and are prone to distractions, you should make your environment friendly and help you carry out your task. You already identified the things that help you to concentrate, now you must discard the ones that you know will get you out of your work moment. The most important thing is to disconnect: turn off the phone, prohibit entering your social networks and, if you need it, put earplugs in your ears.

Take natural breaks

When you are working on something heavy and you feel that you begin to lose focus, take a break . Go for a walk to an open place and get in touch with nature. If you have the opportunity to practice breathing or do a little quick exercise, the better. Including natural connections in your day-to-day life helps concentration, increase energy and stress.


Meditation is a practice aimed at obtaining a state of mindfulness. It has been shown that meditating 20 minutes a day can increase our ability to concentrate. Additionally, you will improve your levels of fatigue and anxiety. In short, a practice that will help you to carry out your daily tasks, always being aware of your surroundings, your body and your mind.

Get organized

Many times we start to do a task and others arise that, from time to time, take their place. This makes it much more complicated to maintain focus and move forward. To avoid this we must organize as best as possible : set schedules with clear goals on what we have to do and thus avoid crossing activities and lose focus. If a task arises unexpectedly, reorganize your schedule around your priorities.

Finish what you started

When you are working and feel that you are losing concentration, propose to finish what you have started before taking a break or give in to some distraction. Leaving what you are doing in the middle will make you, when you want to restart, become much more complicated and lose your motivation. Use each rest or distraction as a reward for each task completed.