How to relieve gas in babies

One of the most frequent problems that affect babies is the presence of gases . In most cases these do not usually show seriousness, although they do bother you and let us know through your crying. Therefore, it is important to take into account some guidelines regarding the reduction of the effects of colic in your child. So, from .com we explain how to relieve gas in babies so you do not have to worry too much about this problem.

How to know if your baby has gas

The crying in the child is a sign of his discomfort, although you will not know his concrete cause. In case you suffer from gas many times you will notice it in your nervousness and inability to concentrate to feed yourself.

Also, babies with colic have a special behavior, because in most cases they are very sensitive to any type of stimulation by the mother. Therefore, it is important that you follow a series of guidelines to reduce your discomfort, which we show below.

Cradle your baby

To relieve the child's gases, the first thing you should opt for is to cradle it in your arms . In this way, through skin-to-skin contact, the baby will notice your presence that will generate confidence.

The movement that occurs when you cross it, in this sense, will make it easier to calm down when you are crying. In this way, you can choose to move it gently in your arms, in your crib or, if you have, in a swing where it usually rests.

Play music

Another very recurring option to relieve gas in babies is music . So the lullabies or relaxing music will serve as a relaxing element. In fact, there are studies that indicate that the sound of the vacuum cleaner can work to entertain you and that you forget the gases.

Use the pacifier

If you are one of the mothers who choose to have their children use a pacifier, it will be a good option for their gas to be relieved. The reason responds to the pacifier soothes the anxiety of children, especially when they suffer from colic.

Keep it upright

Another way to get gas relief in babies is to keep him upright is also a very appropriate alternative. This will help you to expel the gases that bother you.

Massage him

In the same way, you can choose to give relaxing massages . Through circular movements, gently over your small abdomen, you will see how your baby is relieved quickly.