How health affects a conflicting relationship

The way in which we relate to the world has a determining influence on our state and personality, our family or social ties determine part of us. And when it comes to a couple the influence seems much greater and is that with that person we share constantly, so in .com we explain how your health affects a conflictual relationship.

Steps to follow:


One of the clearest psychological effects of conflictive relationships are depression and anxiety, both emotions open the door to various physical ailments that could cause serious problems to your health


Diseases related to stress and anxiety such as stomach problems (gastritis, ulcers), panic attacks, severe depression and heart problems are more frequent in people who have dysfunctional and conflicting relationships


Another serious effect of a problematic relationship on us is the low self-esteem it produces, this makes us feel insecure and incapable which in turn can lead directly to severe and serious depression


There are also problems with respect to the alteration of behavior patterns: dependence, excessive jealousy, verbal, physical and psychological abuse that affect our mental health in a decisive way


Conflicting relationships under any circumstances bring something positive to our lives because love is undermined by disrespect, abuse, violence, instability and abuse, so it is important for mental and physical health to cut the dependency and open to a new way


Taking this step can be very difficult because of that and in case you need it, do not hesitate to ask a specialist to guide you during this period, in the same way, stay with family and friends that can help you overcome this relationship