Amulets against envy

The feeling of envy not only causes discomfort in the person who feels it by craving what he sees in others, but it can also be harmful to those people who possess the objects, qualities or successes that others desire.

In these latter situations, you may even be the victim of spells or spells that seek to take away something that you have and that others want. To end these intimidating and negative behaviors and be protected from the most envious people who want to harm you, the best you can do is to use amulets against envy . From, then, we discover the best amulets against envy and we explain several ways to remove this negative feeling of your life.

Amulets against envy

There are many amulets against envy that may be useful to you. There are, for example, specific amulets for protection against envy and evil, but also many more generic ones that have the objective of protecting the wearer from the evil eye . Here are some of them:

  • Red ribbon : the red thread or red ribbon against envy is one of the most powerful amulets that exist, since it not only absorbs bad energies, but also can repair them. Its operation is simple: all you have to do is wind a thread or a red ribbon seven times around the wrist.
  • Hand of Fatima : this amulet is used against envy and also against the evil eye, since it has a great power to protect us from any evil wishing us envious people. This hand, which is represented with the five fingers up, can be carried for example in pendants or bracelets, since it is also often used as an ornament.
  • Higa : closest and from the Iberian Peninsula is the Higa, an amulet also known as the Hand of the Goddess, which is recognized by its characteristic shape of a closed hand in which the thumb is seen between the index and middle fingers. This amulet, which is indicated against envy and the evil eye, must always be made with a material that can be broken, since it is precisely this rupture that will show that you have managed to ward off envy.
  • Turkish eye : this amulet, also called nazar, is very common in countries like Turkey or Greece and takes its protective power from the belief that feelings are projected through the gaze. Within the Turkish eye there are several colors but, when talking about amulets against envy, you should bet on the blue color, since it is the one that will allow you to ward off envy more effectively.
  • Eye of Horus : this amulet of protection against envy and evil was very used in ancient Egypt. In this case, you must bear in mind that the Eye of Horus with properties to help you fight against envy is the left one, more related to the protection of negative energies. The eye of Horus can be made of different stones, so next we show you some of the most powerful ones.
  • Huayruro : the huayruro seed (red with a black spot), ensures protection against envy and is also used to chase away the evil eye. It can be worn as a pendant or used through different spells.

Stones against envy

In addition to the amulets, there are also a large number of stones that can help you to ward off the negativity of those who want to harm you with their envy. The following stones, in addition, can be useful to you to elaborate some of the previous amulets. These are some of the best known:

  • Jet: The main property of jet is to absorb bad energies, so that if you carry it over your health will be in good hands. This mineraloid can be used by itself as a stone or you can make some amulet with it for greater efficiency.
  • Malachite : malachite is a greenish stone known to be a great ally against the evil eye in general. This stone, in addition to ward off negativity, is believed to bring wellness, health and love closer together.
  • Rose quartz : a more specific symbolism for the problem of envy has the rose quartz, since the one that takes it on will manage to move away the anguish and the jealousy but also the anger and the distrust of the others.
  • Amethyst : Amethyst is used, mainly, to cleanse the aura of negative energies such as envy, anger and incomprehension. If you want a purifying stone, amethyst can be a good option to always carry on.

Other ways to ward off envy

In addition to the amulets against envy, there are other alternatives to deal with these bad energies that have been used since ancient times and are still very relevant today. Some of these tips are widely used by witches and sorcerers. We tell you below:

  • Burning rue for good luck : rue is a great option to ward off the feeling of envy, as it is one of the most powerful plants that exist. What you should do is burn the rude but always with the house well closed and walking with the floor in your hand all the rooms so that the smoke ends with negative vibrations.
  • Carbon to ward off bad vibrations : coal, also used to get rid of bad vibrations, is used just like rue and, in fact, can be used together. Burn three pieces of charcoal together with a little coarse salt and clean the entire house. You can also leave a little on the outside of the house all night until they turn off. It is very important, both in this case and in the previous one, to be careful not to burn anything and cause a fire.
  • Lavender for envy : using lavender against envy is also very effective. To be effective, you must spray the clothes with your essence and always wear it when you have to meet those people you think are envious of you.
  • Purifying bath against envy : the purifying baths have also been very used since ancient times. You must make this bath with water, leaves of rue, petals of yellow roses and oil of cotton. Immerse yourself in the bathtub for approximately 20 minutes to find the best results. If you do not have a bathtub, you can also spray your body with this purifying water, having to submerge for 20 minutes, although it also works if you spray your body with water.

If these tips have been useful, do not miss the following articles of

  • Amulets for love
  • How to make amulets for good luck