How many puppies can a golden

Do you have a golden-breed dog and are you curious to know how many offspring you can have? Then, keep reading to find out. If you want your pet to have offspring, it is important that you first know its gestation period, its zeal and the care you should give it so that everything goes well. If you assume that challenge with responsibility and with all the information at your fingertips, there will be no problem and your pet will always be in perfect condition. In the following .com article, we explain in detail how many puppies a golden can have.

Steps to follow:


Do you want to know how many babies your golden will have? Well we already anticipate that it will be a considerable effort, because a litter of this breed can be quite impressive. A golden one at least can have 8 puppies and at most 14. We are talking about a considerable amount of lives, so if you have it clear, you have means and time, go ahead.

To begin with, it is very important that both the female and the male are mature for procreation. In the case of females, it is recommended that they do not breed until the third heat and males are preferable to do so after 18 months, approximately. In addition to being in full sexual maturity, they must be healthy and with perfect muscular conditions.


Zeal in the golden female, also known as the estrus period, lasts about 20 days and takes place every 6 months. Sexual maturity is reached between 6 and 9 months of life. From that moment, the zeal will have it every half year.

Having already had the zeal, does not mean that you should cross it already. The best thing to do is to wait until your dog has fully developed, so it is recommended for your benefit and that of the future puppies to wait until the third heat. If you want your dog to have offspring, you must wait for the second phase of the estrous cycle, since it is the fertile period. Between the 7th and the 16th day of heat is the best time for riding. In any case, for a correct determination of the optimum moment for crossing, it is best to go to the veterinarian. He will perform a vaginal smear to find out.

The gestation of a golden dog lasts approximately between 62 and 64 days and this does not modify the succession of the different sexual cycles. If the dog becomes pregnant, the zeal will appear 4 months after the birth.


If you want to ride between two golden go well, here are some tips:

  • To begin with, you should know that copulation is a process that the female accepts during estrus. The bitch will have less inflamed vulvar lips and will be predisposed to accept riding.
  • It is recommended that you take the female to the place where the male is so that he feels like in his territory and does not start to investigate.
  • It is also a good idea to look for an experienced female for an inexperienced male and vice versa.
  • Dogs are selective, so presentations should be careful and both should be in the first instance with their straps.
  • Normally, the male will court the female a bit and thus she will be more cooperative. And the greater the excitement, the male will produce more sperm.
  • Regarding the frequency of mounts, although the ovules and sperm survive 6 days inside the uterus, usually two separate mounts are made in a period of 48 hours. And this moment must always be planned in the first fertile days so that there is more possibility that the ovules are fertilized.

In case you have not crossed your pet before, we recommend that you consult our article How to cross a dog for the first time.


The number of puppies that your golden one has, although we have commented that they will be between 8 and 14, will depend to a great extent on the sperm of the dog and, mainly, of which the moment is the suitable one.

The further away from the perfect day of ovulation, the fewer ovules will be fertilized and consequently, the litter will be inferior. In many cases, you may not even get pregnant. But if your dog is pregnant, you should know that the delivery will take place between 58 and 63 days after riding. If it is a very large litter, the delivery may be ahead and if it is small, it may be delayed. If more than 67 days pass, you will have to go to the veterinarian to see what happens.

In the last two weeks of pregnancy, you will be able to notice the puppies in the abdomen of your dog. At that point, go preparing a good place for your pet to light in a warm and comfortable place.


You will know that the birth is coming when you see that your dog's vulva increases in size and expels a crystalline secretion. Your pet will stop eating about 24 hours, although this is not something that happens in all cases, many reject all food, others eat and vomit.

One day before delivery, it is normal for her body temperature to drop to 37 degrees, the clearest sign that she is about to give birth. You will notice your nervous bitch and will not stop licking the genital area. Start looking for a quiet, safe and isolated place to prepare for that moment. Let your dog choose the right place and prepare the area with newspaper and towels that you will then use to clean as soon as possible. Expand this information by consulting the article How to know if my dog ​​is in labor.

In general, golden do not usually have problems in childbirth, but always have at hand your trusted veterinarian's phone to assist you with any complications. When the delivery ends (but without interrupting or bothering in that special moment), you can move your dog and their young to another clean and cozy place.


When the delivery has come to an end, do not hurry to clean. Your dog will not want to be separated from her cubs, so be patient and let her decide the next move.

The normal thing is that you need to stretch your legs and perform your needs. At that time, you can take advantage of and clean the nest of the remains of the birth (without using any powerful soap), prepare a totally new bed and move all the children to that site. Do your best to take care of the ambient temperature of the nest, it should be about 30 degrees at least during the first days.

When your dog has relaxed a little and got up, you can give her water and some food, although the most normal thing is that she is somewhat worried about the welfare of her children. Do not worry if you do not eat, because as you will have ingested some placenta, it will be nourished. It is very common for the next 2 or 3 days to eat very little.