How to treat my dog's cold - effective home remedies

Humans are not the only ones who go through colds: your dog can also catch cold, constipate or get cold. When your dog catches a cold it will only want to be calm and will look for places in which to pass the discomfort that feels and thus recover soon. It is not a serious health problem and, if it is treated well avoiding complications, it can be easily cured and in a few days our hairy will be fine again.

Since we recommend going to the vet from the first possible symptom of colds in a dog and follow their advice. Also, if you think your hairy is going through this, you are likely to ask yourself what to give a cold dog other than medications so that you feel better little by little. Therefore, in this article we explain the answer to the question about " how to treat my dog's cold? "And we give you the best home remedies to help you get through it.

Causes and symptoms of cold in dogs

The main causes of the cold in dogs are some viruses that are spread between dogs, mainly Parainfluenza and type 2 adenoviruses or coughs from kennels, or spend time exposed to cold and problems such as hypothermia.

It is also necessary to know what are the symptoms of a cold dog, since it can also be confused with distemper in dogs easily since many of the cold symptoms in dogs and distemper coincide:

  • Nasal mucus
  • Congestion
  • Sneezing
  • Cough
  • Lachrymation or ocular discharge
  • Respiratory difficulty
  • Muscle pain
  • Inactivity and depression
  • Lack of appetite
  • Tenths or fever

If we detect any of these symptoms it is vital to take the dog to the veterinarian so that he can discern what the problem really is and treat it with medicines, like some syrup for cold dogs, because a cold is not very serious but sometimes it requires medical treatment. Also, if you have distemper, it is a serious illness and should be treated immediately.

Here are the best natural treatment options for the cold in dogs, as a reinforcement of the medications prescribed by the veterinarian, and more interesting details to help your furry at this time.

A cold dog should rest

The first thing to keep in mind if you ask yourself "how to treat my dog's cold?" Is that you have to avoid overwhelming him. It is best to leave your space to rest quietly and you can make your corner much more comfortable, for example, by placing a blanket and leaving near the bowl of water and food.

Also, try to avoid noise or fuss at home or, at least, in the area where your furry is resting. In this way, you will make less effort and have a more optimal temperature and environment so that your body improves more easily.

Avoid cold and sudden temperature changes

Do not take him out for a walk if it is very cold or it rains because the cold could get worse, or let him be in contact with other dogs to avoid a possible contagion to other dogs and that yours will be infected by other viruses, since he will have the immune system something weak It is very important that you keep your dog warm and, therefore, away from the cold since it can lower its temperature and worsen its health even more. So avoid cold air and sudden temperature changes until it is completely cured.

Hydration is vital to treat a cold dog

Another aspect to keep in mind to cure your cold dog is that you must hydrate it well . Your hairy needs water so that the mucus can flow well and more diluted, in addition to stay well hydrated in general. Make sure you always have clean, fresh water at your fingertips and if you see that even when you are offering it, you do not drink, or that throughout the day you drink much less than when you are healthy, then you should help. To do this, you can use a syringe, for example a syringe, physiological saline (no needle) or buy one, and give it little by little water, but often.

Another option is that you offer homemade chicken broth, it will be easier to take it when it is food and also serve to hydrate.

Food for a cold dog

If you are not hungry, help him eat by offering food directly to you, but do not force him if you see that he does not want in any way. One way to help you eat is to put in your dry feed some wet or canned food for convalescent dogs that you will find in veterinary clinics and specialized stores. You can also add homemade chicken broth to the dry feed.

It is also recommended that you offer homemade food for dogs, with boiled rice and chicken or turkey grilled without adding salt to anything and always using olive oil. Remember that there are a number of potentially toxic foods for dogs that you should avoid using to feed your furry. Always respect the doses recommended by specialists for those foods that are beneficial in adequate amounts, but in large quantities can be harmful, such as onions and garlic, in fact, the dangerous doses are so high that it is impossible to One can eat them on their own.

Vapors for dogs with colds

One of the best home remedies to cure a dog's cold is vapors or vapors. These help the upper respiratory tract to be moist, helping the mucus to flow and expel better and avoid possible pain in the area.

To make mist for your dog, take it to the bathroom and turn on the hot water tap for a few minutes; the hot steam that will come out will help you improve your breathing. Stay with your dog in the bathroom for ten minutes so that his mucus is relieved.

You can use a basin to hold the hot water for longer and add dried leaves or eucalyptus essential oil. This plant is perfect for clearing the respiratory tract and for the can to eliminate mucus.

Also, it is recommended that you do not bathe your hairy or hot water during the days that lasts the cold or vaccinate .

My dog ​​has a cold, can I give him paracetamol?

When we feel coughing we usually take medicines that contain analgesics, anti-inflammatories and antipyretics, depending on the symptoms we have and the seriousness of the problem, even getting to take antibiotics if complications occur. One of the most frequent is paracetamol, which is analgesic and antipyretic, and therefore it is common that if our dog sick we ask if we can give it.

The answer is that there are some medications for humans that can be suitable for dogs always under veterinary prescription. But, specifically, acetaminophen is prohibited for dogs, it is potentially dangerous for them, since it can easily cause serious failures in the liver, ie a liver failure, which can result in death. Therefore, if your dog has a cold, do NOT give paracetamol under any circumstances.

In this other article we tell you about the common question of "Can I give Paracetamol to my dog?".