How to extend the life of a cat

Cats are one of the most common domestic companions, often coming to be considered important members of the family, and of course, who would not be able to love these little balls of hair that are always looking for affection and pampering. It is important to consider that as well as other pets, cats have a certain period of life, which with the appropriate care we can be able to prolong.

In the following .com article we will show you how to extend the life of a cat and thus be able to enjoy these felines for longer.

Meet the life of cats

The first thing we must keep in mind are some characteristics of the life of cats: from a biological point of view the life expectancy of domesticated cats is usually around 15 years, although with all the cares they can even overcome this stage and live close to 20 years.

Since our goal is to keep our kitten for as long as possible, we must pay attention to the changes that the animal will begin to have throughout its life, especially when it has reached old age or begins to show signs of it, due to that unlike other pets, the signs of changes in cats are usually more imperceptible.

Feeding my cat

While our cat is growing we must regulate their diet, as it happens with us, what cats eat directly benefits their immune systems, so what we give as food strengthens their health and makes it less susceptible to disease. Consider removing from your cat's diet fats, sweets or any other food that may cause some type of stomach ailment.

It is at this moment that you are wondering, but then what should I feed my cat? Easy, as you will know cats are carnivores and hunters, so it is recommended that in your diet there is at least 70% of foods that are meat and preferably are raw. On the other hand, to collaborate with your daily dose of proteins and vitamins, you also mix in your diet a special feed for cats, so your diet will provide all the nutrients you need to be healthy for longer.

In our article, which are toxic foods for cats, we reveal those ingredients that should never be present in the animal's diet.

Exercise for cats

Exercise in cats is very important, but be careful, when we talk about exercise for cats we do not mean to go running every morning with him, but to play. For cats the game is very important, this way it exercises its muscles conserving them more healthy and also avoids that it gets bored. When cats get bored, they are often prone to scratching furniture, throwing things (and breaking them) or even leaving home.

Cats are curious creatures that usually have fun with almost anything, you can use a strip or ball of wool to entertain, a laser pointer or of course acquire some of the hundreds of games for cats that exist in the market. In our articles how to play with my cat and what are the best toys for cats we give you some tips to have fun with your pussycat.

Rest in cats

For cats, it is very important to rest, to share your home with a cat you will have noticed that this cat spends many hours a day sleeping (giving you even a little envy), there are many reasons for this:

  • Cats are hunters by nature, is an instinct that despite being domestic do not lose, so they sleep a lot of time to save energy and then be more active at the time of hunting.
  • Cats that do not find anything to do, or do not play enough time, usually choose to sleep longer.
  • Depending on the weather, your cat's sleeping habits may be affected, when the temperature is low, cats sleep more to save energy and be warmer
  • It is a natural instinct of sleeping cats, especially when they are entering old age, you must respect your sleep time and although we enjoy watching him play and run, you must let him rest what he considers necessary to feel good.

Visit the vet without fail

It is important to perform health checks with a veterinarian on a regular basis, remember that cats should also be vaccinated, by doing this you protect your feline friend from contracting possible diseases. It is very common not to vaccinate them thinking that this is something exclusive for dogs, but they also need this extra protection that will allow them to live healthier and longer.

Some diseases such as feline distemper or leukemia can easily be prevented with proper vaccination. Therefore, in case of healthy cats, it is recommended to visit the veterinarian once a year or whenever the specialist indicates, on the other hand if the animal shows signs of being sick, attention should not be spared, so you should take it immediately with a specialist.

Stress in cats

Avoid your cat suffering from any change that can generate stress, but do not believe it if they are subjected to stress loads to some extent can become sick. A study conducted on this topic shows that cats can suffer stress when the family has moved to another home or even because they have moved their place to eat or sleep.

Remember that these are animals of customs that are very sensitive to changes, so to extend the life of a cat is essential to avoid subjecting it to unnecessary stress.

The right environment for cats

Finally, ensure that your cat is in a safe and controlled space, many of the causes of death in cats are when they go outside to explore and are run over or even poisoned unintentionally by consuming poison for some vermin.

Create in your home a space where your cat can play and have fun without risking leaving your home, this way you will also reduce your likelihood of suffering stress, getting longer life of your cat and enjoy your company for many years, love and pranks.