How to create a mobile app - easy and fast

Nowadays, mobile applications are increasingly used by users, since they are designed to make life easier for them in different ways. We can find everything: from apps to organize, to control what we eat, to exercise our mind, etc.

The advantage is that the technology has advanced so much that today it is possible to create mobile applications without being programmers or experts in the field. If you also want to know how to create a mobile app, keep reading this article.

Amateur mobile apps vs. professional mobile apps

Within mobile applications, you have two options, depending on what your goal is and how much you are willing to invest in the app.

  • Templates for apps : there are many websites and apps that have templates for you to create apps to your liking. Of course, these, although they are more comfortable, have much less flexibility when it comes to doing them your way. That is to say, you will always have to adapt to what the template offers and you will rarely be able to really create what you have in mind.
  • Custom development : on the other hand, there is a much more professional and customizable option to create mobile applications. If you have the necessary knowledge, you can develop the application in your own way, or by going to some professionals. In both cases you will have to pose the idea you have in mind, the audience you want to address and the goal you want to achieve. A good idea if you consider hiring a professional is to create an app with Yeeply.

How to create an app from scratch

If this is the first time you are preparing to create a mobile application and you do not know too much about it, here are the steps you should follow:

  1. Definition of the idea and objectives
  2. Definition of functionalities
  3. Think of the design
  4. Design of the topic base
  5. Implement the Backend
  6. Prepare a prototype
  7. Validate the idea
  8. Implement the idea on Android and / or iOS
  9. Test the application
  10. Pass it to production

If you want to know what each of these points consists of, keep reading this article from.

1. Definition of the idea and objectives

Every project is developed around an idea, which may be based on the objectives you want to achieve . To help you, you may find it useful to take paper and pen and answer the following questions:

  • What do you want your app to do exactly?
  • How will you make the app reach users?
  • What problem will it solve?
  • How will the user make life easier?
  • How will you sell the app?
  • Who will be your typical user?

Once you have clear answers to all these questions, you can move on to the next aspect to be addressed: the functionalities.

2. Definition of functionalities

After answering these questions, it is time to think about the development of the functionalities, that is, everything the application can do. Define each functionality you want the application to have and how the functionalities will interact with each other.

3. Think about the design

Design is one of the fundamental keys for your mobile app to be a success. Here comes the typography, the colors, the quality of the images, and the different screens that may appear in your app.

To help you visualize it better, you could use design programs and mockups to get an idea of ​​how your app would look like. In this way, you can see if your design needs changes in terms of color, simplicity or any other aspect that is not entirely suitable.

4. Design of the database

You must define what data the application will treat, both the data of the users that will use it and the information offered by the application. These data should be organized into defined data structures that allow you to add and modify them as the project evolves.

5. Implement the Backend

If your application must connect to the internet to send and retrieve information, you will need to implement the Backend. This is the internal system of your application, which will provide service to all users who have their app installed. With it you will get users to share content on your platform and retrieve updated updates that you can update without the user needing to update their application.

6. Prepare a prototype

The next step will be to design the prototype of our app to, on the one hand, see how it would look, verify that all functionalities interact perfectly and see if there is any type of change to be made.

7. Validate the idea

Now, with your prototype done, it's a good idea to check if your initial idea is feasible and can give good results. It is possible that with the prototype you realize that your idea could be perfected, or that perhaps the goal to achieve with your app must be different. At this point you should show your prototype to friends and acquaintances who can give you their opinion to improve the app you are going to create.

8. Implement the idea on Android and / or iOS

Once you've taken the idea for granted, you need to implement it on an Android or iOS system. You also have the option to choose both. If you are not sure which system you want to choose, we will help you with a series of tips.

What advantages can it have to create an application for one system or another? Very easy. iOS is much more exclusive than Android, since many fewer people have access to it. So if you are looking for your app to reach the maximum possible public, we advise you to create an Android application. The key is to think about your target audience .

At this point you should test your skills of developing applications, or hire the services of a professional to make the idea and the work done so far.

9. Test the application

After carrying out the implementation, it is time to make the final test of the prototype. If there is a fault, it is time to solve it. If everything works perfectly, you can now turn it into production.

10. Pass it to production

After performing the steps above and seeing that your app is ready to go to market, it is time to put everything in motion. Publish the application in AppStores at the moment so that users start to find it. Once done, you must start a great marketing job to reach your target audience.

How much it costs to create an app by professionals

If you are willing to create an application with the help of professionals, you may wonder how much it can cost to create an app. If you want an estimated price, this could easily range between 700 and 20, 000 euros . However, prices will vary depending on where you go, but keep in mind that there are certain things that can swell the price, such as:

  • The country : it is inevitable, there are countries that are cheaper than others. Although a foreign country may be very tempting for you to be more economical, we recommend that you compare prices in yours, because if there is a problem it could be solved more easily if you and that company live in the same territory.
  • Company or individual : if you are lucky enough to have a friend who knows how to create applications at a professional level, you may lower the price a bit. However, it will always be safer to go to an experienced company.
  • What you want in the app : it is true, there are much simpler applications to perform than others. Here are included the graphics, the software chosen, the number of options and drop-down screens that the app has, among other things.