How to calculate the values ​​in the pie charts

The pie charts show the relative importance of the different quantities. Each element or category receives a segment in proportion to its relative importance. If the differences between segment sizes are slight, people will have trouble distinguishing them, so consider the use of an alternative chart in those cases. See the following article to learn how to calculate the values ​​in pie charts.

Steps to follow:


Add all the amounts you are graphing. If, for example, a population consists of 160 men, 250 women and 290 sheep, the sum will be the following: 160 + 250 + 290 = 700.


Divide the first value by the total: 160/700 = 0.229.

Being the 22.9% = 23%


Multiply this number by 360. In our example: 0.229 x 360 = 82. This is the number of degrees of the men's segment.


Repeat steps 2 and 3 with the other quantities.

  • With women 250/700 = 0.357 therefore 0.357 x 360 = 129. Being 35.7% = 36%.
  • With the sheep 290/700 = 0.414 therefore 0.414 x 360 = 149. Being 41.4% = 41%.


To verify that the result is correct you have to add the degrees of each segment, the total must be equal to 360. In this case: 149 + 129 + 82 = 360.