What to visit in Paris

Paris is known for being the most beautiful city in Europe, and some people consider it to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The French capital is worth a visit, but being so big, depending on the time, it will be necessary to decide what to see with priority. It gives a game to live it in any way: alone, with friends, with the couple, with the family, etc. Endless possibilities for all audiences and for all tastes. The light city welcomes thousands of tourists throughout the year who fill its streets with joy, its curious museums, its corners of lovers and its monuments of dreamers. From .com we tell you what to visit in Paris so you do not get lost and enjoy your trip to the fullest.

Steps to follow:


It should be noted the visit to the Eiffel Tower, a famous monument, considered the symbol of Paris and one of the most visited in the world. From any part of the city it is possible to see it, but the magic it gives off when placed at your feet you have to experience it. It is possible to climb, ideal for lovers of heights.


Large and renowned monuments, of extraordinary beauty, are worth a visit. Among them we highlight: The Arc de Triomphe, the Pantheon, the church of the Madeleine or the Royal Palace.


You can not miss the beautiful cathedral of Notredame, one of the jewels of Paris and the Gothic in general, for its mysticism and for its famous and renowned gargoyles. It is essential to climb to be able to contemplate them closely, as well as enjoy the best views of the city.


It is highly recommended a boat trip on the Seine, the river that surrounds the city. It is possible to make different itineraries that will allow you to get to know Paris in a different way. A romantic and pleasant walk that never ceases to amaze everyone who does it.


The museums of Paris are remarkable. The city is full of art galleries where you can see renowned works by the most famous artists of all time. It is essential to visit, even if it is a large part of the Louvre Museum, the charming museum of Orsay, Pompidou, the Rodin museum or the Picasso among others.


And the most emblematic of Paris, its neighborhoods . Strolling through its streets, contemplating its cafes, buildings ... that's Paris. But there are many that make up the city, so we recommend the most beautiful and visited: Montmartre, Île de la Cité, the Latin Quarter, the Elíseos or Pigal fields.


In addition to all this, you have to try the famous French gastronomy that everyone loves: cheeses, wines, crepes, foie gras, quiche lorraine, croissants, etc. The whole city is full of stately cafes and its well-known bistro. Pubs, cocktail bars and cabarets that you will find in all corners, but among the latter, we highlight the Mouline Rouge as the most special place to enjoy the Parisian night.

  • Prepare the trip with time to find the best prices.
  • See a guide in which to find schedules and prices of visits.
  • Prepare yourself with comfortable shoes for walking and walking.
  • If you have time, some visits in the outskirts are highly recommended: Versalle or Disneyland.