How to travel without a credit card

The credit card is a basic tool when traveling around the world. It allows to pay anywhere or withdraw money in the currency of the place where we are. But what happens when the credit card fails or, for whatever reason, we can not use it during our trip ? Do not despair. There are alternatives to the use of the credit card to travel. In .com, we explain how to travel without a credit card .

Steps to follow:


The first way to travel with money and without a credit card, and the most traditional way, so to speak, is to carry the money that we will need in cash . You can take it both in your currency and in the local currency.


Mind you, be careful with the cash when you travel because, if it is your only source of currency, so to speak, a theft can be fatal. Do not always carry with you all the money you have and use the safes that many hotel rooms offer to keep a part.


You can also store the money in different wallets and in different places (a little in the purse, another little in a pocket, and better inside than outside, etc.) to avoid losing everything in a robbery.


Remember, if you travel with your currency and need to change to a local currency, that the commissions of the exchange offices of the airports are higher. It is true that it is very comfortable to arrive and change money, but it may be worth waiting a bit.


The second way to travel without a credit card, at least if you are going to move around the state territory, is to take hold of the savings book as always. That is, withdraw money in the window of your bank in your destination.


The third way to travel without a credit card is to resort to traveler's checks or traveler's checks . Some Spanish banks offer this service with both American Express and Visa.


Travelers checks are a bit more vintage option but they are still equally effective. They are spread by fixed amounts and are backed and protected by the issuing entities.


With the traveler's checks you can pay both in the different establishments (in the tourist areas they usually accept them) and exchange them in other collaborating banks for cash.