How to organize a motorcycle trip to go around the world

The tips that you will read in the following article are experiences lived by an ordinary person like everyone, they are tips that can be of help if you are thinking of making a long trip by motorcycle and go to visit an infinity of countries. These tips that we will offer below can be applied to long trips made by car, motorcycle or even bicycle. If you want to know how to plan a long motorcycle trip, read on.

You will need to:
  • Time to organize
  • Enough money to pay for gas
  • A good motorcycle
  • All visas to be able to pass through the different countries
  • Know the climate of each country
  • Sufficient clothes to overcome extreme weather conditions
  • I want to travel

Where to start

The first thing you need to know is if you like motorcycles and trips as much as to be traveling for a long time. A trip like this takes many hours, for many days, on a machine with two wheels, you will suffer with adverse weather conditions that can affect your state, sometimes you will sleep well and in others you will not be able to rest, you will enjoy local foods or you will spend days eating the same as noodles, peanuts or road biscuits.

But if you enjoy traveling, the negative happens in the background and some badly rancid cookies in an inhospitable place, tired and sweaty, is one of the best experiences you will remember of your trip . Much more than the visit to a temple prepared for the tourist .

Organize well

The next thing to be clear is that you like to spend hours ahead of the computer screen reading experiences and tips for preparing the trip. At the beginning it is very tired, but as you make more trips your preparation will be almost nothing.

Preparing my first trip I found the existence of a book that I recommend as the first contact, "Adventure motorcycle handbook", written in English. If you pay attention to everything he says, it is likely that you end up in tourist places and with wristbands on the wrist and dancing with retirees. However it is an excellent script to know where to start .

The best way to get information is to look for blogs from people who have made trips similar to the one you want to do. If you look at my blog sinewan I refer to the ones I like most, in Spanish.

The book talks about six to twelve months of preparation for trips of this type. I prepared the Madrid - Sydney in two months and everything went well. Over time I have become part of the group of travelers who just ask for visas and go out to see what we find. There is another group of travelers who try to foresee everything in their round the world, but inevitably you will end up changing the route on the fly.

The decision is made

The first thing to keep in mind is to know how much time is available to make the trip by motorcycle. Then you have to know what dates we have this time, especially for weather reasons, low temperatures, rain and therefore necessary luggage and high probability of finding roads full of mud and even cut, because depending on which route you choose, you can have problems Make your trip a little more uncomfortable.

I made a mistake and had to go through the monsoon in Indonesia and although I had a bad time, four days pouring incessantly, I will always be happy to have known the country at that time. At the end of the day it is very enriching to know areas of the world during the times when every year the torrential rain visits them, seeing how they live, that to visit many of those places adapted for the tourists.

Overcome seas and oceans

One of the main questions you ask yourself when this problem arises is to know how you can load the motorcycle on a boat or an airplane . Without a doubt it is the most complex and expensive of a trip of this kind. Here you will see an article with other airplane and boat tips on my blog.

Summary of what you need

All the above leads to create a first route, decide the ideal motorcycle, get visas, permits, insurance, vaccines, decide luggage and hundreds of small things that trigger in endless lists of pending things.