How to write a thank you letter to a teacher

It is well born to be grateful, the saying goes. And our teachers and professors, from nursery school to university education, are a very important part of our lives, helping us to be trained as people and as professionals. For that reason it never hurts to know how to thank this work at the end of the course with a sincere and emotional writing. If you want to know how to write a thank you letter to a teacher, read on.

Steps to follow:


Choose the format

Think about the type of relationship with the teacher throughout the course, whether it has been very close or strictly professional, if there has been a personal involvement beyond teaching a subject or if you want to simply thank your good by explaining the subject. Depending on these factors it may be more appropriate to write a letter on paper and even by hand, or it may be more correct to simply send an email. Both can be valid options depending on the trust that is maintained with the teacher, or the type of teaching they teach. It is not the same as a letter of appreciation from a Primary student to their tutors than from a university student to a teacher who has hundreds of students every four months.


Personal treatment

Should I call the teacher for you or for you? By his first name or by his surnames? The answer is simple: as it was called in class or in tutorials. Giving a very formal treatment to someone with whom there has been a lot of personal trust for months, and vice versa, can be somewhat shocking. So you just have to use common sense.


Get to the point .

Instead of giving many detours, go directly to what you want to express: your sincere gratitude for the work developed during the course, and how much it has helped you to develop as a student and as a person. To be effective, the letter should not necessarily be extensive, but sincere.


Avoid very general expressions .

Flee from unspecific phrases such as "he has been a great teacher" or "I have learned a lot", which could be valid for any letter of thanks. Try to refer to an anecdote or specific case that makes the recipient smile or make you remember you among all your students after many years.


Explain why it has been special .

The fundamental part of the letter is to explain why it has been so special for you to have received classes from your teacher. What has been most useful to you and what your teachings will serve you in the future. You do not have to write the chapter of a book, with two or three well condensed sentences will suffice.


Choose a proper farewell .

"Cordially" or "attentively", if the relationship with the recipient has been more formal, or "with affection", "a hug" or a simple "see you soon", if there has been more 'feeling'.


Include some detail .

A special photograph, a copy of the notes, a decorated envelope if it is a letter by hand, a small gift ... Imagination to power.