How to clean the pool mat

The mat of the pool tables usually accumulate a lot of dust and substances that make it dirty, causing stains that prevent good play. You have to be always attentive and keep it clean, to ensure that the plays are perfect and that it does not spoil. If you do not know what products to use or what your alternatives are, in .com we explain how to clean the pool mat effectively.

Steps to follow:


Nowadays, there are specific products to keep the pool table clean. You can apply any of these, that you will find in your specialized store and leave with this your pool table as new. This solution is ideal if the carpet has dry spots and difficult to remove.


It is recommended, from time to time, depending on the use that is given to the pool table, sweeping the mat to keep it free of dust and free of any solid substance that may have fallen on the mat. For this, a good special brush for pool tables will help you achieve the desired result.


Likewise, a vacuum cleaner will end up with the remains found on your pool table. It is a simple, quick and easy to use method. It will leave your carpet as new without dust or any other substance.


A rag moistened with water, but very well drained, is the solution to finish with those spots recently made on the pool mat. In this way you will get them not to penetrate the carpet and to disappear effectively. Rub slowly and carefully to get the best results.


If the stains are intense and have already been on the table of your pool table for some time, a little neutral soap mixed with warm water will help them disappear. Rub slowly and wait for it to dry to see the results.

  • Always consult a professional.
  • Other products such as ammonia or vinegar can be effective if you do not let them act for a long time.