How to make invisible ink

Making invisible ink can be a fun activity to play with your children. It allows you to make many games and the best thing about invisible ink is that it does not stain. Then we show you the best way to make invisible ink, easy and economical.

You will need to:
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • Piece of cotton
Steps to follow:


Pour the lemon juice into a small glass or plastic container.


Soak one end of the piece of cotton in the lemon juice.


Use this soaked cotton to write secret messages or make a drawing on a sheet of paper


When you are ready to see your secret message, put the leaf near a bulb or even a toaster.


The heat source will slowly convert the writing with lemon juice to a dark brown color revealing the message.


This you have achieved thanks to the invisible ink, since you see it making invisible ink is easy and cheap.


You can also make invisible ink with bicarbonate you only need, baking soda and water in the same proportion (for example 30mL of each). Mix both ingredients and use a toothpick or brush to write on a piece of paper. Wait until it dries completely.

  • Write super secret messages and notes that only your friends can read.